Dear Parents and Players of Blueberry Community Fun Ball,
Welcome to the 2025 season of Blueberry Fun Balll. The registration fee for Fun Ball is $50 per player + $200 volunteer deposit per family due at the time of registration (deposit will be returned once the volunteer commitment has been met).
Volunteer Opportunities
Includes: Coach, Assistant Coach, Year End Party Planner Wednesday (2), Year End Party Planner Thursday (2), Equipment Helper, Tournament Set-Up/Clean Up, Thursday Night Site Helper (has played in the league before), T-shirt Organizer, and Working a Bingo.
This is a program run by volunteers, please consider how you might be able to help make the year a success!
Bingo information will be found on the website when it becomes available. If you are interested in any of the other volunteer opportunities, please contact Nicole @ for more information.
Each player should come with a ball glove and waterbottle to each practice. Please wear long pants, (no shorts) and lace-up shoes (running shoes or cleats). No metal cleats. Please remove jewelry.
Birth year is used to determine the day of play.
Birth year 2016-2020 (Ages 4-8) play Thursdays (6:30-7:30 pm).
You must be at least 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2025 to play. Anyone younger or wishing to play up will be required to sign an underage waiver form.
The tentative plan is to split into four teams. The youngest two teams will practice at Blueberry (Learn to Play). The oldest two teams will practice at Blueberry (Learn to Play) and have a chance to play a couple of games against Muir Lake (some travel may be required). Schedule will be provided later.
Birth year 2009-2015 (Ages 9+) play on Wednesdays.
2014-2015 Play Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm. Practices (Learn to Play) and games will be arranged. (Travel to Muir Lake may be required).
2009-2013 Wednesday games start at 7:00 pm. Additional practices at the desertion of the coaches
Practices will begin April 16/17 (weather premitting) and the last day of play is June 18/19. Games will not begin until after May 1st. A schedule of season games will be available later.
After registration is complete, you will be contacted by your team coach prior to April 14th. If you have not been contacted by April 14th, please contact Nicole at
The Children’s Sports Weekend is tentatively booked for Saturday and Sunday, June 7-8, 2025 at Meridian Sports Park. This is a fun tournament for all players to participate in and coincides with Parkland Soccer. Details to come.
Pitching Clinic and Ball Fundamentals (2015 and older)
Saturday, April 26, 2025
1:00-3:00 pm at Blueberry Hall (weather permitting)
Cost $8.00 (each participant will receive a practice ball)
Sign up for the Clinic with your registration!
Available for those registered in Parkland Fun Ball who are 8-15 years of age (birth years 2015-2009)
*in the event of inclement weather the clinic will be rescheduled for Sat. May 25th
Other Information
Dogs are not permitted in any school yard, public park or ball diamond within Parkland County. This is a Parkland County By-law. Fines start at $60.00. We ask that you keep your pets at home for all practices and games. Thank you for your cooperation
More information can be found at the Parkland Fun Ball website
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, Nicole Colban, @
Let’s Play Ball,
Nicole Colban
Blueberry Fun Ball Coordinator