Registration 2025-2026
August 2025-May 2026
Student Name
Student Goes By
What name should we practice recognizing and writing?
Age by Aug. 1, 2025
Date of Birth
Zip Code
Elementary School They Will Be Attending
Email Address
Mother’s Name
Phone Number
Phone Number
Father’s Name
Phone Number
Phone Number
Student’s Siblings (Name and Ages)
Does your child have any speech, hearing, or other physical issues of which we should know?
If yes, please explain
Class Selection
Please Select
AM Class Mon-Wed 9-11:30am ($135/mo)
PM Class Mon-Wed 1-3:30pm ($135/mo)
2's Playgroup Th-Fri 9-11am ($110/mo)
If Class Selection is unavailable I would like to:
Be on the wait list for class selected AND enrolled in age appropriate class
Be on the waitlist for selected class ONLY
Enroll in an age appropriate class that has openings
Talk to a Staff Member about Options
If age appropriate classes are full, add me to the waitlist for first available.
Should be Empty: