Informed Consent Document
Project Title: Creating an Effective Diagnostic Test for Those with Developmental Visuo-Spatial Disorder
You are being asked to consent to participate in an individual research project for the ISEF science fair. This study will focus on creating a diagnostic test for those with Developmental Visuo-Spatial Disorder (DVSD), and will focus on how DVSD differs from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and neurotypicality. This will require participants to fill out a short survey asking questions about their visuospatial skills, social skills, and more. It is unlikely that any publication will come of this, but consent is required nonetheless. Participation is completely voluntary, and completion of the survey may be stopped at any time.
Please read the information below, as it pertains to the experiment.
Nature and Purpose of the Project: The overall goal of this research is to explore if DVSD can be differentiated from ASD and neurotypicality through the usage of a diagnostic test. This will be achieved through taking surveys from several individuals with DVSD, ASD and neurotypicals and scoring the questions on a scale from 1 to 5 to see if there are significant differences in scores. This is important, as it will aid to the development of further testing on DVSD.
Explanation of Procedures: The survey should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete, however participants can take the survey at their own pace and convenience. The survey will contain questions asking about visuospatial abilities, verbal abilities, and other questions regarding learning abilities, flexibility, and executive functioning.
Discomfort and Risks: This survey contains minimal risk. The personally identifiable information of the participant will be kept confidential, and any scores published will be without personal identifiers. The participant may experience mild discomfort at the questionnaire, as they regard to personal skills. This discomfort should be minimal, and if discomfort should begin, the survey should be stopped.
Benefits: By participating in this study, the knowledge of DVSD will be expanded. Currently, not much is known about DVSD, and thus by participating in this study, it will further the development of testing opportunities for DVSD. It will also allow the researcher to get a good grade in their class.
Confidentiality: All personally identifiable information will be kept confidential. Once scores are received, they will be removed from the name of the participant, and will only be associated with each disorder’s group. All data will be destroyed at the end of the ISEF science fair.
Refusal/Withdrawl: Refusal to participate in this survey will have no punishment. Anyone who agrees to participate is free to withdrawl at any time.