OSHC ACTIVITY - Activities in St Hilda's School Grounds
Throughout the course of the year, children enrolled in OSHC may be escorted by OSHC Educators to activities within the St Hilda's School grounds. Locations include: Junior School Buildings and grounds including - Multi-Purpose Centre, Gymnasium, Junior School Library, Caedmon Centre, Junior School Grass Field, Junior School Playgrounds.
To view the Terms & Conditions, please read the Terms & Conditions - Risk Identification and Management OSHC Activities.
By signing below you accept the associated Terms & Conditions to enable your child to participate in the activities.
Safe Travel Agreement
I agree to contact OSHC as soon as possible to advise of any changes to routines, activities or attendance at OSHC. I understand the service staff will follow the Safe Arrival of Children in Anglican Education and Care Services Policy in the event my child does not arrive at the predetermined time, including contacting parents, emergency nominees or emergency services/police if the child's' location is unknown.
Please read relevant policies here.