This survey asks for your opinion about your hip and helps us understand how well you are able to complete your usual activities. Answer each question by ticking the appropriate box (only one box for each question). If you are uncertain about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.
Answer these questions thinking of your hip symptoms and difficulties in the last week.
Stiffness is a sensation of restriction or slowness in the ease with which you move your hip joint.
What amount of hip pain have you experienced the last week during the following activities?
Function, daily living
This section describes your ability to move around and to look after yourself. For each of the following activites, please indicate the degree of difficulty you have experienced in the last week due to your hip.
Function, sports and recreational activities
This section describes your ability to be active on a higher level. For each of the following activities, please indicate the degree of difficulty you have experienced in the last week due to your hip.
Quality of Life
Understanding results
Each subscale will get a score of 0 to 100, with 0 indicating extreme symptoms and 100 indicating no symptoms.