Speaker Information
2025 Scientific Meeting, Feb 21-23, Dallas, TX
Your cell number
Name and phone number of emergency contact
Upload your ppt presentation to be loaded onto the speaker laptop. Note that if you are on a panel, the moderator is responsible for the ppt presentation.
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Choose a file
Unless you tell us otherwise, we'll make a PDF of your ppt presentation available to the attendees.
Yes, ok to distribute a PDF of the ppt presentation
No, use alternative handout uploaded below
Distribute the PDF of the ppt AND the handout uploaded below
Other, note below
Handout and/or supplemental info for attendees.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Upload your under two minute introduction video or type intro below or have intro as your first slide.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Or type biography for introduction here.
If your presentation has a poll/questions for the audience, tell us more here.
-What type of poll? ex, Multiple Choice. open ended, 1 word answers, Y/N, etc. -What is the question for the audience? -If multiple choice or any other parameters for the answers are needed, what are they? -At what point in your presentation would you like to do the poll? ex. beginning, "slide 2", end, etc.
Anything else you need us to know?
May we share your name and address with exhibitors?
May we share your name and address with the attendees?
What is your practice setting?
VA or military
Academic Center
Corporation or PE Private Practice Large/over 20
Corporation or PE Private Practice Medium/11 - 20
Corporation or PE Private Practice Small/1 - 10
Physician Owned Private Practice Large/over 20
Physician Owned Private Practice Medium/11 - 20
Physician Owned Private Practice Small/1 - 10
Where do your surgeries take place?
Hospital-adjacent ASC
Free-standing ASC
Office based
Should be Empty: