Basic electricity by generator is provided to power your lights
Please note: This application does not guarantee or confirm a contract with PRIDE Cape Coral as a Food Truck Vendor for the event. After board review & approval, a decision will be made. If considered, a representative will be in contact.
A $100 nonrefundable payment is required should this application be approved. I agree to accept all responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, loss or other harm suffered by myself or otherwise due to my participation in the event. Further, I shall indemnify and hold harmless PRIDE Cape Coral and the City of Cape Coral against all suits, claims, demands and losses including costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred as a result of any action or omission, neglect or misconduct of the Food Truck/Vendor.
Note: All communication coming from EVENT will be electronic; a valid email address is required.
Vendors pay a non-refundable fee of $100.
Vendors are required to pay and secure any city, county or state licenses as applicable.
Vendors are required to file & pay their own State of Florida sales taxes.
A $30 fee will be assessed for any checks with insufficient funds or returned.
Vendor spots are NOT secured until payment is made. Failure to pay by the deadline may forfeit your space.
COVID-19 Contingency Plan:
Should PRIDE Cape Coral need to transition to a virtual event, all deposits will be refunded. PRIDE Cape Coral and its partners and representatives shall not be held liable for any loss incurred in the event of forced event cancelation.
Per city regulations:
Event concession stands/ trailers/ tents using deep fat fryers shall comply with NFPA 1-* Cooking equipment used in fixed, mobile, or temporary concessions, such as trucks, buses, trailers, pavilions, tents, or any form of roofed enclosure, shall comply with NFPA 96 or this chapter unless otherwise exempted by the AHJ in accordance with 1.3.2 of NFPA 96. [96:4.1.9]. NFPA1- Cooking equipment used in processes producing smoke or grease- laden vapors shall be equipped with an exhaust system that complies with all the equipment and performance requirements of this chapter. [96:4.1.1]. NFPA 1-* Cooking equipment that produces grease-laden vapors and that might be a source of ignition of grease in the hood, grease removal device, or duct shall be protected by fire-extinguishing equipment. [96:10.1.2] and shall have one 2-A: K class fire extinguisher within 30’ of the cooking appliance. All fire extinguishers must be tagged annually by a Licensed Florida Fire Extinguisher Company. Typical appliances include; deep fat fryers; griddles, range tops; upright, natural charcoal, or chain-type broilers; electric, lava rock, mesquite or gas-radiant char-broilers and woks. All cooking must be 10 feet from an occupied public tent. All LP tanks and lines shall be secured and tested for leaks prior to each use.
All vendors with propane tanks are required to bring all necessary equipment to properly secure them.
No grease or gray water disposal is available. All vendors must take care of their own waste.
Vendors are responsible for removing debris and ensuring the general cleanliness of the area around their station.
All Food/Snack Vendors must display the appropriate Food Service Establishment Permit.
Food truck vendors must provide a certificate of liability insurance for $1,000,000 naming PRIDE Cape Coral as additional Insured.
Food/Snack Vendors are required to check-in at event Registration location prior to setting up. Registration information will be provided no later than the Monday prior to the event.
Photo ID is required at check-in.
Set-up is from 10am to 2pm. You must be fully ready for inspection by 2pm and ready to serve at 4pm, and serve until 10pm.
Tear-down cannot start until the event ends at 10pm. Tear-down must be completed by midnight.
Vendors are allowed only to sell the menu items submitted on the approved application. Any change requests must be made to PRIDE Cape Coral in writing (email is okay) and be approved before they can be served.
No alcohol may be served by Vendors.
All food vendors must sell water.
Prices must not differ from those submitted on the approved application. Should a change be necessary, a request must be made to PRIDE Cape Coral in writing (email is okay) and be approved.
All food vendors shall display a self-provided pump bottle of hand sanitizer for use by their guests.
Vendors will be set up in specific locations. Vendors may not change locations without approval. Vendors may not expand beyond their allotted space without approval.
PRIDE Cape Coral reserves the right to change a Vendors’ location at any time before or during the event.
Applicants shall sell and serve food at their own risk.
Applicants must obey all pertinent safety codes and laws, including, but not limited to, fire, safety and parking regulations.
PRIDE Cape Coral reserves the right to shut down any vendors not meeting cleanliness and food storage safety codes and laws.
Canopy tents must be fire retardant; open flames must be located a minimum of 10’ away from all canopy materials
All canopies, tents and other temporary structures must be weighted down before you are permitted to open, with the equivalent of 40-pounds per pole minimum. Booths may not open until properly weighted down.
Event will take place rain or shine. Applicants agree to be present despite weather conditions. Each vendor is responsible for preparing displays to withstand weather fluctuations including rain and wind.
Event participants agree to allow the use of video and photography taken by Event organizers at the event for promotional purposes. Any photos taken by the event are the property of PRIDE Cape Coral.
Vendors execute this Agreement as independent contractors and shall at all times have complete supervision, direction, and control over the services to fulfill requirements. Vendors execute this agreement as independent contractors, not as an employee of PRIDE Cape Coral. Vendors will assume responsibility for appropriate payment of payroll taxes and charges under applicable federal and local laws. Vendors agree to take complete responsibility for paying the appropriate federal and state taxes as independent contractors.
Applicants will obey all pertinent codes, laws, ordinances and regulations.
Installation and operation of any exhibits not meeting event approval are prohibited.
Applicants must comply with all Event, municipal and state rules, regulations and policies listed in this application, or policies included in the applicant acceptance notification. Any noncompliance will cause elimination and applicant may be immediately removed from the Event with no refund of fees or compensation for expenditures. Applicants also may be barred from acceptance to future events.
PRIDE Cape Coral, in its sole discretion, may reserve the right to refuse participation by any applicant, entertainer, food vendor or any other such participant for any reason.
PRIDE Cape Coral is not liable for refunds or any other liabilities whatsoever for applicant’s failure to obey the rules and regulations or due to the unstable condition of the area in which the Event is produced, caused by, but not limited to, weather, fire or other calamity, any act of nature, public enemy, strikes, statutes, ordinances of any legal authority or any other cause beyond PRIDE Cape Coral’s control.
By fulfilling application and engaging in participation, all applicants release and hold harmless PRIDE Cape Coral, The City of Cape Coral, and all event sponsors from any and all liability, as outlined in the rules and regulations.
Applicants will initiate any legal proceedings arising from violations of these terms and conditions in Cape Coral, FL.
Applications and/or acceptance of notifications are not contracts.