Attachment: Instructions and precautions for participation:
1. Please attach your recent photo when registering.
2. Contestants must ensure all personal information in Application Forms are accurate and true. Anyone found with
falsified information will be disqualified. Information will be made available for use by contest organizers.
3. All contestants must provide a valid contact/telephone number that can directly contacted the contestants’
parents/guardians at any time.
4. All contestants must abide by rules and regulations of the contest; The organizer reserves the right to have
the final say and decision.
5. Contest organizer reserves the right to disqualify contestants who fail to abide the by rules and regulations.
6. All contestants automatically grant permission to the Contest Organizers (local and foreign), Cooperating
Organizers, and existing global media (or future media) the use of personal information including (but not limited
to) photographs and/or videos, statements, printing of names as well as recordings from performances (entirely or
partially) for advertising, promotional and publicity purposes on media including (but not limited to) TV,
newspapers, magazines, radios, and the internet. In addition, the contestant agrees that part or all of the content of
the contestant's own participation process will be determined by the host of the competition and the organizer of
the Canadian division, Mega Global Marketing Inc.
7. All contestants must display a positive image and present positive and wholesome entries; the Organizer and the
judging panel have the right to replace entries.
8. During the competition, contestants must actively participate in promotional and advertising activities.
9. All contestants are to strictly abide by all rules and regulations of the contest set by the host and the Canada
organizer; rankings and awards are subject to the final decision of the judging panel; contestants have no right to
10. Contestants must NOT stop/interrupt the progress, recording and broadcasting during the contest. The contestant
responsible for any cause of interruption must pay compensation costs to the contest host and Canada organizer
(Mega Global Marketing Inc.).
11. If any rules in this agreement is in conflict with the existing laws, the rule will be declared void but that does
not affect the validity of the other rules and regulations in this agreement.
12. Contestants who have contracts with agencies or Management Companies must be responsible to seek
permission by oneself to take part in the Contest and to inform the Contest Organizer with written statements at
the time of registration.
13. The host of the competition and the organizer of the Canadian Division, Mega Global Marketing Inc., has the
final right to interpretation of this event and may amend the Rules and Regulations at any time without prior
notice and explanation.
14. Within permitted scope of the law, the Contest Organizer reserves the right of final decision and revision for this
Contest; organizer reserves the right to cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances.