Annwyl Riant/Rieni neu Warcheidwad,
Bydd Pererindod Flynyddol Ieuenctid Tyddewi yn cael ei chynnal rhwng 4 ac 8 Awst 2025, ac mae croeso i unrhyw un sydd rhwng 11 (blwyddyn 6 yn yr ysgol) ac 17 oed.
Bob dydd, byddwch yn dilyn ôl troed Dewi Sant ar rannau o'r llwybr arfordirol hynafol, gyda gweithgareddau i’n helpu i ymgysylltu â'n ffydd a chyda Duw. Yn ogystal ag amser i fyfyrio, bydd gemau, sesiynau adrodd straeon, hwyl, cymdeithas a chwerthin. Ein gobaith yw y bydd yn brofiad didwyll ac yn llawn o’r Ysbryd Glân i'n pobl ifanc.
Byddwn yn aros yn Bunk Barns, Tyddewi, ac yn defnyddio’r lle fel ein canolfan am y 5 diwrnod. Mae'r Bunk Barns ar gyrion Tyddewi, ar brif hewl yr A487 - cod post SA62 6QN. Mae arwyddion i'r llety cyn yr orsaf betrol.
Bydd y bererindod yn costio £80 am y 4 noson lawn, y plentyn. Mae'r swm hwn yn cynnwys llety a bwyd, ond nid yw'n cynnwys arian gwario. Mae cost lawn yr wythnos wedi'i sybsideiddio gan yr Esgobaeth a noddwyr eraill, gan gynnwys ein cynllun newydd Angylion ac Archangylion. Dydyn ni ddim am i arian fod yn rhwystr i unrhyw berson ifanc sy'n cymryd rhan, ac felly os yw'n anodd dod o hyd i'r arian, cysylltwch â mi, neu arweinydd eich grŵp ieuenctid. Mae rhywfaint o arian ar gael i helpu.
Amgaeaf ffurflenni archebu, ffurflenni meddygol, amserlen teithio, ffurflenni caniatâd tynnu lluniau a rhestr o bethau a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol i’r plant ddod gyda nhw. Mae contract hefyd - mae'r Bererindod yn gyfle i ymgysylltu â Duw ac â’n gilydd, ac er mwyn gwneud hynny mae angen i ni gael rhai ffiniau a rheolau fel bod y cyfan mor ddiogel a chyfforddus â phosib i bawb. Mae'r contract rhyngoch chi fel y rhiant neu'r gwarcheidwad, eich person ifanc a minnau ar ran gweddill y grŵp a'r esgobaeth.
Os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi. Bydd rhagor o fanylion am y trefniadau terfynol ar gael yn nes at yr amser.
Pob Bendith
Y Parchedig Sophie Whitmarsh
Cenhadwr Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd Esgobaeth Tyddewi
07870 415378
Dear Parents / Guardian
The Annual St Davids' Youth Pilgrimage will be taking place between the 4th - 8th August 2025, and is open to anyone aged between rising 11 (year 6 in school) and aged 17.
Each day will involve walking parts of the ancient Coastal Path that St David himself walked, it will include activities that will help us engage with our faith and with God. As well as time for reflection, there will be games, storytelling, fun, fellowship and laughter and we hope that it will be a truly authentic and Holy Spirit filled experience for our young people.
We will be staying at the Bunk Barns in St Davids, and using that as our base for the 5 days. The Bunk Barns are situated just on the outskirts of St Davids on the main A487 - Post code SA62 6QN. The bunk barns are signposted and before the petrol station.
The Pilgrimage will cost £80 for the full 4 nights, per child. This amount includes food and board, but does not include spending money. The full cost of the week is subsidised by the Diocese and other sponsors, including our new Angels and Archangels scheme. We do not want money to be a barrier to any young person taking part, and so if finding the money is difficult, please be in contact with me, or your youth group leader. There is some funding available to help.
Attached are booking forms, medical forms, an Itinerary, photography permission forms and a list of things that might be useful to bring with them. There is also a contract - The Pilgrimage is about engaging with God and with each other, and in order to do that we need to have some boundaries and rules to make it as safe and as comfortable for everyone. The contract is between you as the parent or guardian, your young person and me on behalf of the others in the group and the diocese.
If you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to contact me. There will be further details about arrangements nearer the time.
Every Blessing
Reverend Sophie Whitmarsh
Children, Youth & Families Missioner
St Davids Diocese
07870 415378