I agree to the following terms & conditions if I am awarded a bursary:
- I understand that each bursary has a value of up to a maximum of 2500GBP available for my economy travel, subsistence (for up to 5 days), and accommodation (which will be provided in Liverpool for a maximum of 5 nights).
- I will provide details of my required international travel to the organisers and understand this will be met and booked by the organisers as far as is practical. All travel arrangements will be discussed before final bookings are made.
- I understand that local travel in the UK will be provided to and from the airport closest to the event location and any travel to different airports to and from the event location for extended stays beyond my time at the congress will be at my own cost.
- I understand that the organisers will book a hotel for me of their choosing.
- I understand that I will be given 30GBP per day for evening meals for up to 5 days. Breakfast will be provided at the hotel and lunch will be provided at the congress on the congress days. I understand that I will be responsible for covering any additional subsistence costs.
- I understand that I am responsible for arranging and paying for any travel visas required and will do so as soon as my application is approved.
- On return home, I will share my learnings from UKIO within my locality and provide evidence of having done so within 3 months of my return.
- I will provide to the UKIO organisers a report on my time at UKIO within 1 month of my return.
- I agree to be interviewed or photographed at the congress by the organisers or organisers’ partners, to be used for future promotion.
- I understand that my application will not be accepted if I have previously received a bursary from ROC to attend UKIO.