February 2025
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your interest in obtaining vendor space at the 2025 Hampton Classic Horse Show. We welcome all applications. Please be aware the Committee will not approve static booths or vendors with displays only - i.e. real estate properties, subscriptions, vacation destinations or items for order. In addition, large established brands as well as equestrian apparel and equipment vendors must be sponsors to participate. (Email sponsorship@hamptonclassic.com for more information.)
Please know that space is assigned through committee decision, not on a first come, first serve basis. This year’s show dates are August 24 – 31. If accepted, you will be required to be open all days of the horse show and be available on set-up days (8/22-23) as well as breakdown day (9/1 - Labor Day).
The three options for booth space are:
• Boutique Garden/Boutique Court Booths - The Boutique Garden and Boutique Court booths are located near the main grandstands and food service area and have entrances directly from the parking area, from the Hunter Rings, and from Stable Row. The minimum booth size is 12’x12’ but may be enlarged by 4’ increments at an additional cost.
• Stable Row Booths - The Stable Row booths run along the stabling area and are nearby the Hunter Rings, the show office as well as Jumper Ring 2. The booth sizes are 15’x15’ or available as a double booth, 30’x15’.
• Stable Row Trailers / Displays - Stable Row has a few locations that can accommodate trailers, trucks, etc. Please note that trailers requiring excessive space may be accommodated, subject to availability, and additional fees may apply.
Completed applications must be submitted online by April 1. Applications received after the deadine will be considered late. Applications will not be accepted without payment of the $50 non-refundable application fee. All products/brands that you intend to sell must be listed on your application (sample photos, brochures, and pictures of your booth at other shows are helpful).
The Boutique Committee will meet to review the applications after the April 1 deadline and decide which vendors will be placed, which applicants will be on the waitlist, and which applicants are not accepted. Applicants will be notified of their status by early May. The committee reserves the right to reject any application for any reason. If accepted, you may be asked to refrain from selling certain items. Fake and/or knock-off designer merchandise is not permited. Repurposed or re-sale of Hermes products or packaging is not permitted.
Soon after notification, accepted applicants will be invoiced for 50% of the amount due June 1 and the balance due August 1, 2025.
Best regards,
Bryan L. Cohen
Special Projects Manager