The Mentor Spotlight Award was designed to recognize a practicing Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) and who has participated in the CBDCE Mentorship Program that has demonstrated outstanding mentorship to mentees interested in sitting for the CDCES exam. In order to qualify, the nominee must have actively participated in the CBDCE Mentorship Program as a mentor, has maintained CDCES active certification status, and is in good standing.
The Nomination Process:
The nomination application must demonstrate that the mentor has displayed exemplary behaviors and characteristics in one or more of the following categories:
(1) Commitment, (2) Diversity, and/or (3) Career Guidance
Mentor nominations for the 2025 Mentor Spotlight Award will be accepted from the following:
>CBCDE mentees, past and present, who have participated, or are currently participating in the CBDCE Mentorship Program.
>Non-mentees (e.g. colleagues, another mentor) for nomination of a mentor in the CBDCE Mentorship Program.
>Mentors in the CBDCE Mentorship Program may self-nominate. Self-nominations require endorsement letter from mentee/colleague/etc.
Select 'NEXT' to nominate a mentor. Award submission deadline: June 1, 2025.