Read and Sign
I understand that I am offering this item for sale at Our House Games. Our House Games will attempt to sell it on my behalf at the price entered above. I retain the ownership of this item until such time as it is sold. The buyer of this item will have 3 days to return it toOur House Games if they feel the item condition is not as indicated on this form (unless it's non-returnable After 3 days, Our House Games will issue store credit for 70% of the price I entered above. The contact information listed above is current and accessible. Our House Games may return the unsold item to me after no less than 60 days. I understand that and item that is not picked up within 6 months of my notification that the item being returned to me will become the property of Our House Games. I understand that I may not resubmit an unsold item for at least 60 days after it is returned.