SOAR Community Application
We have limited spots available for the SOAR Community. To be considered, this application is your first step!
Teen Name
First Name
Last Name
What grade are you currently in?
How old are you?
Do you live in the United States or Canada? If so, which state or territory?
Our SOAR Community is for teens living in the United States and Canada for now.
When did you decide to go all in for Jesus (not necessarily when did you get saved--this is when you decided you wanted to live fully for Jesus)? Why did you choose to go all in for Jesus? (share your story)
Tell me about your daily walk with Jesus. What does it look like? Are there areas that still need improvement (for example, you struggle with reading the Bible daily)? If so, this does not disqualify you from being a part of SOAR. We all have areas we could grow in.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
Why do you want to be a part of the SOAR Community?
After receiving your application, I will be reaching out to you through email to let you know what your next steps will be. Because we only have a limited number of teen girls we can take, this application does not necessarily mean that you are automatically in the community. If we do have a spot for you, we will be reaching out to schedule a zoom call with you and one of your parents/guardians. Will you and your parent/guardian be able to join Coach Jamie on a Zoom call?
Not sure
I am offering this application to UncommonTEEN to be considered for the SOAR Community. All information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Any misrepresentations or omissions may be grounds for rejection or dismissal. Teen Signature
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
I am offering this application to UncommonTEEN to be considered for the SOAR Community. All information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Any misrepresentations or omissions may be grounds for rejection or dismissal. Parent/Guardian Signature
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