I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agree to comply with the official rules governing this year’s Dance Masters of America’s Teachers Training School. The personal data submitted on this application is true and correct. I hereby give my permission as a student to be photographed/videotaped during Dance Masters of America’s Teachers Training School. It is my understanding that these photographs/videotapes will be used solely by Dance Masters of America, Inc. at their discretion and in a manner befitting the high standard of the association. It is my further understanding that these photographs/videotapes may be offered for sale at the discretion of Dance Masters of America, Inc.
In consideration of being accepted as a student in the Dance Masters Teachers Training School, I do hereby release Dance Masters of America, Inc., its Officers, Administrators, Faculty and Staff of the Dance Masters of America’s Teachers Training School, and Ball State University, from any and all claims for damages, or for injuries which the participant might sustain while attending and participating in any and all activities connected with the Dance Masters of America’s Teachers Training School. Failure to obtain the signatures prior to arrival will disqualify student from the Dance Masters of America’s Teachers Training School.