Hosted & Conducted by: CEF Southeast IN and Greensburg 1st Christian Church
Contact: Lynne Klene at (812) 663-8488
Where: Greensburg Elementary School
When: After school until 4:30 pm
Tuesdays, Feb. 18, 25, Mar. 4, 11, Apr. 1, 8
Who can attend?
All Greensburg Elementary School boys & girls in 2nd-5th grade, regardless of religious background.
Parent /Guardian: Your child must be picked up immediately after the club ends. Signing this permission slip will allow your child to attend each day of Good News Club. If your child will not be staying for club on any given date you MUST send a note to your child’s teacher stating your child will not be staying for Good News Club on that day. If you have any questions or would like to help, please call or text the Leader above. Thank you.
The school does not endorse the content of this flyer. The school encourages parents to assist their children in making choices appropriate for them. This is not an activity of the school or the school district.