In an emergency evacuation, what is your role as a security guard?
What measures would you take to ensure your own safety during a potentially dangerous situation?
How would you handle a situation where your safety equipment fails during duty?
If you found an unmarked envelope containing cash in a restricted area, what would you do? []a) Keep it in your pocket until a see a supervisor []b) Split the cash with your partner or a supervisor []c) Take it home and think about it [] d) Maintain proper chain of custody and contact a supervisor immediately
If a visitor offers you a gift for granting them unauthorized access, how should you respond? []a) Take it and say thank you [] b) Put it in your locker until your shift is over []c) Politely and professionally say no thank you [] d) You should not give anyone access to an area clearly marked as restricted
A co-worker asks you to "look the other way" while they leave their post unattended. What would you do? []a) Ask him to get you a coffee while they're off post [] ]b) Go to another area so you don't see he's leaving his post []c) Let him know that you are not going to participate or be complicit []d) I wouldn't do anything