Pitch Contest Rules
Special pitch contest. A pitch contest will be held on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 9: 30 AM to 11:00. Writers will have the opportunity to pitch their script in front of the conference attendees on stage. Pitch fee is $20.00. Pitch length is limited to 5 minutes. A limit of 12 submissions will be accepted. The audience will vote for their favorite pitch via a rating ballot handed out at the beginning of the event. Simple vote ranking will determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. In the event of a tie, both writers will be awarded the higher of the rankings—ex.: if tied for first, both share 1st place and will be listed as “Tied for 1st Place.” Winners will be announced and presented with awards on Sunday, April 27 at 3:45 PM. 1st Place winner will receive a trophy. Top three winners will receive a certificate along with a photo with the PSA President, which will be posted on the PSA site for a year. A link to winners’ professional website (if applicable) will also be posted on PSA’s website for the year to help promote winners.To register for the contest, please complete the separate pitch registration form along with the NAME of your script and pay the additional fee when registering. Thanks and Good Luck!