General Vendor Application Information:
- This is an application and does NOT guarantee you are in the show
- We will reach out within 30 business days to let you know if you have been accepted into the show.
- Payment: A PayPal invoice will be sent to your email & payment must be received by July 1, 2025.
- Cancellation Fees apply
- Sales Tax: ALL EXHIBITORS are required to turn in the fully completed Sales Tax Form at the end of the show. If you only sell in the State of NV twice in a 12 month period, then we will collect with sales tax form along with your sales tax payment at the end of the show via check or cash. Pursuant to NRS 372.055, every vendor who makes sales more than twice in a twelve (12) month period must register as a seller in the State of Nevada. If you are a vendor more than twice in a 12 month period in the State of Nevada & conduct on site retail sales, then you are required to submit your NV Sales & Use Tax (SUT) Number & certificate at the time of submitting your application with us. We will not be collecting your sales tax payment from you, and only your completed sales tax form at the end of the show.