City Wide Garage Sale
Friday, April 25th- Saturday, April 26th * 8am-4pm both days
How to Participate
•Fill out and submit the below form by April 4 with the Early Bird cost of $30. (After April 4 $35). •Come to the address above on April 24 (b/t 9 am - 4 pm) to pick up maps, signs, instructions. May be available earlier, please call 630.232.6060. • Hold a garage sale at your Geneva home on April 25 & 26.
Applicants that register and pay by April 4 will have their addresses & items included in the printed and online map. Those received after April 4 and before April 19 will have their addresses & items on the online map only. A link for this will be posted on our website ( If you register after April 19 you will receive the signage only (if available). Geneva Chamber of Commerce will do all the advertising, printing and distributing of signs & maps to key locations in Geneva. No refunds will be issued.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Address of Sale
Street Address
Street Address 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Email Address
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your email and phone number is requested for planning purposes only; used internally in our office.
Please indicate which days you will be selling:
Friday, April 25th
Saturday, April 26
Both Friday and Saturday
Please indicate what you would like on the item listing section (limit 200 characters.) The full 200 will appear on the online map.
Please provide an abbreviated listing for the printed map only. Limit 35 characters.
Please indicate your sale's area for purpose of the distributed map. If your neighborhood is not listed, please selected the one in closest proximity.
Randall Square or Fisher Farms
North Mill Creek
South Mill Creek
Eagle Brook or Allendale
East of the River
( X )
Garage Sale Early Bird
Register by April 4th
Credit Card Details
First Name
Last Name
Credit Card Number
Security Code
Card Expiration
Should be Empty: