2025 MUN HS Resource Staff Volunteer Application
APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28. Conference location: Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville NC. High School Resource Staff selected for this position will be notified by March 5. The 2025 conference dates are March 27-28, with High School Resource Staff arriving late afternoon/early evening of Wednesday, March 26. The cost for High School Resource Staff is $125, which covers lodging, meals, staff shirt, and all training. High School Resource Staff
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Previous YIG Experience
Why do you want to be a part of the Middle School Model UN High School Resource Staff?
What are your strengths and what skills do you think would make you an effective resource staffer?
If you want to be a country counselor and do not wish to volunteer in any other areas please click only country counselor below, enter a country request (if applicable), skip the rest of the form, and click submit.
Only Country Counselor
Country Counselor and Volunteer for other parts of the conference.
Country Counselors will be assigned a country after training. If you have interest in a particular country please explain, and if that country is available you will be given consideration for that country.
Are you interested in being considered for a presiding position?
Haven't Applied by Interested
Are you interested in being part of the slide show team?
Are you interested in being part of the Operations Team: Thursday morning table set up, flag station; Thursday Afternoon Festival of Nations Set-Up; Table Breakdown and transport ; Dance and snack set-up, etc.
Are you interested in being a Festival of Nations Judge?
Are you interested in being part of the interactive presentations?
World Religions
World Hunger Simulation
Evening Jobs
Pizza Delivery
After Curfew Hall Patrol
Conference Set-Up and Check-In
Nametag Correction Station
Proposal Book Distribution
T-Shirt Distribution
Information Center/Trouble Shooting
Friday Morning
Security Council
Proposal Ranking for Funding
Should be Empty: