1. If a parent is interested in applying for admission to QCA, where should one start?
For those seeking admission to QCA, all essential information regarding the application process can be found on the QCA website, myqca.org.
2. What are the steps in the admissions process?
Once a potential parent or guardian has toured our facilities and gained comprehensive insights into QCA programs, the next step is to wait for the official opening of admissions
for the upcoming school year. Every year, it is going to be January 1st, 12 AM. Once admissions open,
Step 1: Application will be to complete an online admissions application form which must be submitted through the website.
Step 2: Testing The office of admissions will review each application received and subsequently contact
the parent/guardian via email, requesting them to schedule admissions tests on either January 20th or January 27th for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year.
Step 3: Mandatory parent meeting with administration
Following the entrance tests, a mandatory parent meeting with a member of the
administration is required to discuss test results and understand the parent's
expectations of QCA. Student records and transcripts from previous schools are
discussed and evaluated.
Step 4: Student interview
A mandatory informal student interview is conducted by two admissions committee
members to understand the student's interests and talents. Elementary students may participate in group interviews assessing their developmental areas and interaction skills in a group setting. The interview is closed book.
3. Is a seat offered/guaranteed to everyone who goes through these steps?
The data from all these steps is then evaluated in a holistic manner by the admissions committee, generating a ranked list based on this comprehensive assessment. Based on ranking, qualifying students are offered admission. Parents are notified via email of the admissions decision. If the ranked list has more students qualifying than the number of seats available, those ranked qualifying students are placed in a wait pool. These waitlisted students remain under consideration until the first two weeks of the school year (first 2 weeks of Aug). If unfortunately a seat does not open up and the student wants to apply next year, they will have to repeat the process and begin a new application.
4. How long does it take for parents to hear back from the admissions committee
about their decision?
On or before 1st of March Insha’Allah.
5. What are the students tested on? Is there a specific curriculum?
The tests will cover previous and current grade level fundamentals aligned with state standards. For grades 1 through 3, evaluations include cognitive, motor skills, Math, and ELA assessments. Meanwhile, students in grades 4 through 12 undergo tests in Math, ELA, Science, and Arabic, along with the college readiness test for high school grades, in collaboration with Richland College.
6. You said students will be tested in Arabic. What if a student has never learnt arabic?
Arabic text in the elementary years is primarily to see where they are at in terms of their foundational skills.
7. Is there any test preparation required before the admission test?
Regarding test preparation, we strongly discourage any form of tutoring. The test aims to identify learning gaps and assess if QCA has the resources to support each students’ academic needs adequately. To facilitate the best testing environment, we recommend students ensure proper rest and have a nutritious breakfast before the test.
8. What if the parent is outside of Texas? And they are not able to make it to either of the testing slots? Is there an option for remote testing?
The testing has to be in person for various reasons. We understand that a parent may be traveling from different parts of the country and that’s why we offer two testing slots for the convenience of the families. For this year it is going to be January 20th and January 27th and we hope that they will be able to make it to one of the slots. If families are unable to attend either of the specified dates, they may request an alternative testing date in February or March, provided seats are still available after a ranked list has been generated.
9. Are siblings of students or alumnae and children of staff/faculty/board members
guaranteed admission?
Admission decisions are primarily based on the composite of a variety of factors.
Therefore no one is guaranteed admission; however, if all factors are equal, and should there be a tie, siblings of current students or alumni and children of staff/faculty/board members may receive preferential consideration.