BY CLICKING THE SUBMIT OR PAYMENT BUTTON, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: This agreement is entered into by and between, San Rafael BID, MayMadnessSanRafael, and the vendor filling out, signing, and returning the application. Producer is in the business of providing space at May Madness for the vendor. Producer/Presenter does not participate in the construction, assembly, or placement of the individual vendor. Producer, on behalf of the Presenter, provides space only at the event. The vendor hereby indemnifies and holds the Producer/Presenter, its agents, employees and harmless from any and all claims, including costs and attorney's fees resulting therefrom, arising out of said vendor’s participation in this event. For the purpose of this agreement, the term "participation" shall include, but not be limited to, the delivery of equipment, merchandise, structures, and product to their designated location, the set up and display of any such structure and presentation, and the dismantling and removal of all such items from the area provided by or through the Producer/Presenter or its agents, employees, and servants. The vendor hereby expressly assumes any risk of harm to the vendor arising out of their participation and the participation of other vendors in May Madness, including any risk resulting from the particular location of the space designated to them by the Producer/Presenter. This agreement shall be effective immediately upon execution and continue in effect throughout the event period.