Please review the release for participation in the US Event Horse Futurity, then sign the document below.
I, [RELEASOR], (“RELEASOR”) understand that engaging in an equine activity, including but not limited to riding, training or being a passenger upon an equine, whether mounted or unmounted, visiting,or spectating, is very dangerous and involve inherent risks and risks, including but not limited to property damage, serious injury and/or death, sickness and disease (including communicable and infectious diseases), of participants, spectators, property and/or horses.
RELEASOR further understands that the inherent risks of equine activities means those dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including but not limited to the propensity of equines to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around them; the unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement, and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals; certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions; collisions with other equines or objects; that an equine may shy suddenly, rear, stop short, bite, buck, kick or run with its rider; and that potential exists that as a participant or any person whether amateur or professional to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the animal or not acting within his or her ability.
WHEREFORE, RELEASOR and each of their heirs, agents, insurers, representatives, and/or other individuals or entities related hereto, release, discharge, and hold harmless the organizer, organizing committee, judges and officials, the USEA, USEF, their officers, agents, employees and volunteers, The US Event Horse Futurity, the Futurity organizers, the host of this event or horse trials and the owners of any property on which the event or trials is be held(“RELEASEES”), from all liability for negligence resulting in accidents, damage, injury or illness to myself and to my property, including the horse or horses which I will compete or own at this event or trials from any and all
liability for negligence or otherwise related to any equine activity, relating to injury, loss, damage or death from any of the inherent risks or risks of equine activities, including but not limited to any past, present or future claim,
WHEREFORE, RELEASOR agrees to indemnify and hold RELEASEES harmless against any and all such liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and disbursements.
BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE that I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by all applicable Federation Bylaws, rules, and policies including the USEF Safe Sport Policy and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) as published at www.usef. org.
The parties agree that this agreement may be electronically signed. The parties agree that the electronic signatures appearing on this agreement are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.