The BSDEF is proud to make available funding through its BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Program. The BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Program is available to teachers and administrators in the Blackhawk School District. It provides funding assistance for classroom educational supplies, materials, equipment, fixtures, field trips, presenters, and other approved educational opportunities.
Note the following Q&A regarding the BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Fund:
What is the educational opportunity application funding limit? The current application funding limit is $500. Applications for funding exceeding $500 will not be considered at this time.
How do I apply for funding from the BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Fund? Complete this application. This is the only manner to apply for funding from the BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Program. Emails, phone calls, other communications, and verbal commitments by anyone will not be accepted or considered.
If I apply, will my application be automatically approved? No. Applications are submitted to building principals and school administration, who will prioritize funding requests and submit approved projects for funding to the BSDEF. All applications are subject to the administrative approval of the Blackhawk School District. The BSDEF Board of Directors has ultimate decision-making authority on project funding; however, the BSDEF will not approve any projects that are not approved by the administration of the Blackhawk School District.
The Administration and BSDEF approved my project; how do I access the approved funds? The BSDEF will release the funds to the Blackhawk School District Business Office, making the funds available for use by the building principal in conjunction with the application cycle set forth above. Please get in touch with your building principal for additional instructions.
My project was approved to purchase supplies and materials for use in my classroom. Can I keep these supplies and materials if I leave the Blackhawk School District? No. Any educational supplies, materials, equipment, and fixtures purchased with BSDEF Enrichment Funds become the property of the Blackhawk School District.
How much money is available in the BSDEF Educational Enrichment Opportunities Fund? The BSDEF works to raise funds to support this program continuously; available funding is based on total donations received by the BSDEF. You can help by encouraging others to donate via the BSDEF website at www.bsdef.com.