ExSys Awards Entry Form
Thank you for your interest in The Experiential Design Authority's first annual ExSys Awards competition, which recognizes exceptional design and execution of system-based exhibits for trade shows and events. We encourage you to complete all answers in a Word doc and then copy and paste the content into the form below when you are ready to complete your entries. Please note that in order for discounts to be applied, all entries must be submitted on or before the following deadlines: March 5 ($135/entry), March 14 ($170/entry), and March 26 ($205/entry). No entries will be accepted following the March 26 deadline.
Entrant Company (If you are entering Best Student Design, use your school.)
Entrant Name
First Name
Last Name
Entrant Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Entrant Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Entrant Email
Are you a current member in good standing with either of the following organizations? Check all that apply. (Please confirm your membership is active before answering). As a member of EDPA or IFES, you receive one free entry per industry membership. If you have already used your free entries, do not select any industry memberships.
EDPA (National Chapter)
Please include social media handles for any/all social platforms your company uses. These may be included in any announcements or celebratory posts.
Exhibit #1
Please use the entry form below to submit information and images for each exhibit you wish to enter into the competition. This way, if a given exhibit is being entered into multiple categories, you will only need to enter the data once. Also note that companies entering the same exhibit in three or more categories will receive a discount of $10 per category entered. When you are done submitting this exhibit, you will be asked whether you want to enter another exhibit. You can enter up to seven exhibits per session. If you have additional exhibits to submit, you will need to begin a second session using the ENTER NOW button at www.experientialdesignauthority.com/exsys-awards. When you are done with this form, simply click NEXT (if you have additional exhibits to enter) or SUBMIT (if you have entered all exhibits you wish to submit at this time).
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 1 Category Count
Exhibit 1 Category Cost:
Exhibit 1 Category Discount
Exhibit 1 Free Entries Count
Exhibit 1 Free Categories Remaining
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below, but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Contact Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Contact Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Contact Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #2
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 2 Category Count
Exhibit 2 Category Cost:
Exhibit 2 Category Discount
Exhibit 2 Free Entries Count
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #3
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 3 Category Count
Exhibit 3 Category Cost
Exhibit 3 Category Discount
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #4
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 4 Category Count
Exhibit 4 Category Cost
Exhibit 4 Category Discount
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #5
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 5 Category Count
Exhibit 5 Category Cost
Exhibit 5 Category Discount
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #6
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 6 Category Count
Exhibit 6 Category Cost
Exhibit 6 Category Discount
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Would you like to submit entries for any additional exhibits?
Exhibit #7
Exhibiting Company's Name (This should be the company or brand the exhibit is being created to promote.)
Which categories are you nominating this exhibit for?
Best Design Concept
Best Fabric Exhibit
Best Small Exhibit (200 sqf or less)
Best In-Line Exhibit (more than 200 sqf)
Best Small Island Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Island Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Island Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Modular Exhibit (an exhibit used in 2+ sizes/configurations)
Best Small Rental Exhibit (less than 800 sqf)
Best Medium Rental Exhibit (800-2,500 sqf)
Best Large Rental Exhibit (more than 2,500 sqf)
Best Graphics
Best Redesign
Best Sustainable Design
Best Overhead Element
Best Double-Deck Exhibit
Best Tech Integration
Best International Design
Best Experiential Design
Exhibit 7 Category Count
Exhibit 7 Category Cost
Exhibit 7 Category Discount
Debut Show Name (Please include the show name, year, dates, and location. Spell out acronyms. For the Best Design Concept category, input the trade show or event the design was created for.)
Exhibit Dimensions (e.g. 30x40 feet)
Budget (Please include the price for the design, build, and first deployment of the exhibit, including show services fees, markups, etc. and select the appropriate range. For the Best Design Concept category, please use estimated figures.)
Please Select
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,000
$20,000 - $29,000
$30,000 - $39,000
$40,000 - $49,000
$50,000 - $59,000
$60,000 - $69,000
$70,000 - $79,000
$80,000 - $89,000
$90,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - $124,000
$125,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $174,000
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,000
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,000
$350,000 - $399,000
$400,000 - $449,000
$450,000 - $499,000
$500,000 - $599,000
$600,000 - $699,000
$700,000 - $799,000
$800,000 - $899,000
$900,000 - $999,000
$1 million - $1.49 million
$1.5 million - $1.99 million
$2 million - $2.49 million
$2.5 million - $2.99 million
$3 million - $3.99 million
$4 million - $4.99 million
$5 million - $7.49 million
$7.5 million - $9.99 million
$10 million - $14.99 million
$15 million - $19.99 million
More than $20 million
Exact Budget (This is for judging purposes only and will not be released or published in any other capacity.)
Manufacturer of Exhibit System (e.g. Aluvision, BeMatrix, Classic Exhibits, Octanorm Moss, etc.)
Name(s) of System Components Used (List up to five products that were used to build the exhibit, such as Skyline Mirage Pop-Up Display, BeMatrix Sideled Lightbox, Aluvision HI-LED tiles, Highmark ExpoDeck, etc.)
Is the entrant's company solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit?
The entrant is solely responsible for both the design and fabrication of the exhibit.
The entrant is solely responsible for the design only.
The entrant is solely responsible for the fabrication only.
The entrant played a role in the design and/or fabrication, alongside other companies (please note your company and the other companies involved in the design and fabrication below but only enter the additional company's contact info and website).
Design Company
Design Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Design Company Email
Design Company Website
Fabrication Company
Fabrication Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Fabrication Company Email
Fabrication Company Website
Client Company
Client Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Client Company Email
Client Company Website
What objectives, challenges, key messages, etc. did the client hope to achieve/solve/convey through the exhibit? What mandates were provided to designers? What directives did the client give regarding direction? (300 words max)
Explain how the design delivered on the client's requests/designers and helped accomplish the aforementioned goals and/or convey the client's key messages. (300 words max)
Note any activities, engagements, demos, games, etc. that were hosted within the exhibit. (300 words max)
Please describe the materials, practices, policies, and/or actions that made this a sustainable exhibit.
Is there anything additional you want the judges to know about this entry? Are there any design details you want to ensure are not missed while reviewing photos of the exhibit? (300 words max)
Please provide the link to a Dropbox or other accessible folder containing between 1-12 photos of the exhibit, as well as any videos you would like the judges to view. If you are entering BEST REDESIGN, please include a folder for BEFORE photos, as well as a folder for AFTER photos. If you are entering BEST MODULAR EXHIBIT, please include a folder for each show or configuration.
If there are instructions or passwords required to access the aforementioned folder, please include them here.
If you prefer to provide video links instead of files, please enter the URLs below.
If you would prefer to submit photos and/or videos a different way, please note that below and we will reach out to you.
Registration Fees Review
Your calculated registration fees are stated below. To continue to processing your payment information please select next. After Processing your payment an authorization for this about will will be placed on your credit card. It will be charged within 7 days after a review of the application information.
Total Registration Fees
Pay Registration Fees
( X )
Entry Fees
Credit Card Details
First Name
Last Name
Credit Card Number
Security Code
Card Expiration
Should be Empty: