- Minimum 14 years of age and must be accompanied with a parent or guardian that will watch or work with them as they volunteer.
- Volunteers needed for the following days, which require to work outdoors in the heat and sun.
- Requires volunteers to wear a hat, sunscreen and stay hydrated during volunteering.
- Wear clothing and shoes (hiking shoes or non-slip water shoes if working docks) that you don't mind geting wet and dirty.
- Food, snacks, and water is provided. Any food allergies please put in the comment box.
- All dock positions are on the water and require bending and standing. This position is a critical part of our festival.
- Please understand that you might be reassigned to another position that you did not choose. Please be flexible.
- Any questions please send an email to volunteers@azdba.org and you will receive an email response within 24hrs.
3/28: Friday (All Day is 7am-3pm)
3/29: Saturday (All Day is 7am-5pm)
3/30: Sunday (All Day is 7am–5pm)
Note, we may end early on any day depending on the work.
**** Also, volunteers are able to participate in a fun volunteer boat race on Sunday (3/30) afternoon. Sign-up with Diane Escalante at the volunteer check-in.
T-shirts can be picked up 30 mins before your shift starts, at the volunteer check-in.