I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the individual(s) named above, hereby agree to allow the individual(s) to participate in the activity(ies) mentioned. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Tokon Martial Arts, LLC, along with all of its owners, agents, officers, employees, and officials, from and against any and all liability for any accident, injury, or claim for damages that may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of or in any way connected with their participation in this activity, regardless of the active negligence of Tokon Martial Arts, LLC or its officers, agents, employees, or officials.
I understand that COVID-19 is an ongoing public health situation. I acknowledge that COVID-19 (including variations and mutations) might be a communicable virus that can cause severe respiratory illness, sometimes leading to death, in individuals who contract it. I will not attend this event if I am exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, which include, but are not limited to: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Additionally, I will not attend if I have been exposed to a third party who has exhibited COVID-19 symptoms preceding my participation in this activity.
The participant expressly waives any and all claims for damages or liabilities that arise from the use of property or participation in a Tokon Martial Arts, LLC activity. This waiver includes any claim or right to damages for property, personal injury, or damages resulting from the loss of use of the property or cancellation of the Tokon Martial Arts, LLC-sponsored activity when the loss or cancellation is due to an interruption in power to the property.
I give Tokon Martial Arts, LLC permission to use photographs of my child/myself taken during this event for publicity purposes through various means of communication. I understand that my child/I may or may not be identified by name when these photos are used.
Disclaimer: Tokon Martial Arts, LLC, and its owners, agents, officers, and employees reserve the right to make any changes at any time without prior notice. They do not accept any responsibility or liability for any actions, outcomes, or consequences arising from such changes. Tokon Martial Arts, LLC, 1920 Terracina Dr #200, Sacramento, CA 95834. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Tokon Martial Arts, its owners, agents, officers and employees reserve all rights to make any changes at any time without prior notice. They do not accept any responsibility or liability for any actions, outcomes, or consequences arising from such changes. Tokon Martial Arts, 1920 Terracina Dr#200, Sacramento CA 95834. All rights reserved.