Greener Pastures
Horse Intake Consideration Form
Submitter information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Horse information
Horses name (registered and barn name)
Race history
Did not train to race
Trained to race but did not race
Raced less than 25 starts
Raced less than 50 starts
Raced less than 100 starts
Raced more than 100 starts
Last race
Did not race
Last raced within 30 days - in racing condition
Last raced more than 30 days ago but still in racing condition
Last raced more than 30 days ago but NOT in racing condition
Has not raced for more than 6 months
Horses current location
Reason for retiring from racing
Past and present injuries
List all significant injuries
List if x-rays or imaging have been done - which area? What clinic?
Describe horses behaviour and temperment
Date and type of last vaccines?
Date of last dental float?
I understand that a representative of the organization (or a veterinarian) may wish to examine the horse to derive an opinion as to if my horse is a suitable candidate for their adoption program.
I understand
I agree to release pertinent veterinary information requested by the organization in order to assist in the rehoming of the horse if they are a suitable candidate for the program.
I understand
Optional: Photo upload
Browse Files
This form has been filled out truthfully and accurately to the best of my ability
Submit Abstract
Submit Abstract
Should be Empty: