2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Athlete Waiver & Consent Form
Infinite Spirit will never share any personal information with a third party. Your privacy is important to us!
1. Participant First Name:
*Please provide full legal name, not nicknames.
2. Participant Last Name:
3. Participant Date of Birth:
4. Which Club/Studio/Gym/school are you competing with at our event?
2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Athlete Waiver & Consent Form
By filling in the below, you agree to the terms and conditions.
5. Street Address:
6. Suburb:
7. State:
8. Postcode:
9. Email Address:
*We won't send you spam!
10. Name of Parent or Guardian (if participant is under 18):
If participant is over 18, please put 'N/A'.
11. Mobile Phone Number (parent/guardian phone number if participant is under 18):
Please enter a valid phone number.
12. I wish to receive email updates from Infinite Spirit All Stars:
No, thanks!
2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Athlete Waiver & Consent Form
Please include any necessary medical information - this information will only be shared with staff in case of a medical emergency and/or the participant requires immediate aid.
13. Emergency Contact Name:
14. Emergency Contact Phone Number:
15. Please provide any important medical information for ambulance/emergency personnel in case of an emergency situation such as allergies/health conditions/ relevant medical history:
*If none please put 'N/A'.
16. Private Health Insurance Details (If applicable):
17. Do you have ambulance cover?
18. Do you give permission for event staff to call an ambulance in case of emergency?
19. If there is any other information that you believe is relevant for us to know, please write it down below!
*If none please put 'N/A'.
2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Athlete Waiver & Consent Form
SECTION 4: Please read the following carefully-
In consideration of myself / my child, participating in any way at Infinite Spirit All Stars events & activities, the undersigned acknowledges, & agrees that:
20. I, the undersigned athlete/ parent or legal guardian, do hereby grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in any or all 2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Events. I further acknowledge and understand and agree that by participating at Infinite Spirit All Stars events there is a possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, and catastrophic) and that my son/daughter is assuming the risk of such injury by participating. I authorise any representative of Infinite Spirit All Stars, Event Party, Venue Staff, First Aid Personnel, Paramedics, to consent and authorise any medical attention, treatment, surgery or administration of drugs by qualified and licensed medical personnel for my son/daughter, which may become necessary. I understand I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. I understand and agree that all expenses of such treatment are my responsibility.
I agree
21. I agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Infinite Spirit All Stars or the event party, including its staff, employees and sponsors from and against any and all claims, demand, losses, suits, liabilities, costs, or other damages including court costs and attorney’s fees, arising from any injury to, or death of son/daughter, the undersigned, or any other persons or damage to or destruction of property arising out of or in connection with any damage to third parties occasioned by, incident to, arising out of, or in connection with my son/daughter's participation. I willingly agree to comply with Infinite Spirit All Stars events stated & customary terms & conditions for participation. If I observe any unusual significant concern in my child’s readiness for participation &/or in the competition itself, I will remove my child from the participation & bring such attention of the nearest official immediately.
I agree
22. Rules / Regulations- • No smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs allowed. • No smoking around venues as in conjunction with government guidelines. • No attendance under the influence of illegal substances or intoxicated (Participants and attendees with repeated warnings can be asked to leave the event by Infinite Spirit All Stars without a refund). • Infinite Spirit All Stars reserve the right to discipline any participant for unruly behaviour or for conduct unbecoming to the event. • Participants must respect all venue and facility rules and regulations. • Participants must obey all rules and regulations set forth by the event. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY & ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, & SIGN IT FREELY & VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT.
I agree
23. I have read the above and agree to all terms and conditions for both participants and attendees.
I agree
2025 Infinite Spirit All Stars Athlete Waiver & Consent Form
A note regarding Social Media:
Professional Photos and videos are taken by Infinite Spirit on competition weekends, and may be used for promotional reasons on our Social Media pages; including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, and our Website. If there are extenuating circumstances for why your (or your child's) image should not be used on these platforms (for example; child safety, custody reasons), please email us at info@infinitespiritallstars.com.au and we will accommodate for you as necessary. We can also process your request via your coach or club if they email us on your behalf.
If you do not contact us, you are agreeing to allow your (or your child's) image to be used on Social Media as mentioned above.
I understand Infinite Spirit All Stars produces promotional material about the program. I understand that my son/daughter may be included in videography or photography taken during this event. I hereby grant Infinite Spirit All Stars, its successors, assignee's, licensees, sponsors, any television networks, social media and print, and all other commercial exhibitors the exclusive right to photograph and/or videotape my son/daughter and further to utilise my son/daughter's name, face, likeness, voice and appearance as part of the event, and in advertising and promotion of the event.
I agree
Signature (Parent or Legal Guardian if participant is under 18):
Should be Empty: