This survey is for anyone who worships in the Diocese of Rupert's Land. The survey includes questions about your priorities and the skills and experience you would like to see in a candidate for bishop. You will also be asked questions about current realities and your hopes and concerns for your church and for the diocese. This survey is intended to be completed individually. The role of a bishop is included below. The results of this survey will be used to assist the diocesan search committee in the creation of our diocese profile and criteria for consideration of candidates for our episcopal election. Our next bishop will be elected by synod delegates at an electoral synod on May 31, 2025.
Throughout this survey we use the word "church" to refer to any parish, mission or other worshipping community. We will not collect your name or the name of your church in this survey. Results from this survey will be analyzed by the diocesan search committee and individual responses may be quoted in our diocesan profile. This survey is anonymous and results will be reviewed and abstracted by a subcommittee of the diocesan search committee to ensure anonymity. Your responses may be quoted verbatim in our diocesan profile, but we will ensure that no responses are published that could be used to identify churches or individuals.
As you work through this survey please keep in mind the role of a bishop: Our Bishop serves as the chief pastor, spiritual, administrative and organizational leader of the Diocese, providing oversight, guidance, encouragement and support to our people including clergy, leaders, parishes, Diocesan staff, ministries and missions. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and rooted in Anglican tradition and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Bishop models Christ-like leadership, nurtures faith, hope, joy love, peace, spiritual growth and living our Baptismal Promises. Our Bishop leads and serves collaboratively with clergy and laity to inspire and advance the sustainable mission and ministry of the Church within the Diocese and beyond. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Your contributions to this survey are important as we shape the future