West Virginia Certification Board for
Addiction and Prevention Professionals
436 12th Street Suite C, Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone 304-768-2942
Email: wvcbapp@wvcbapp.org
Two-Year Recertification Instructions
After the initial certification period, renewal of the PRSS is required every two years. During each two-year cycle, recertification will require 20 contact hours of WVCBAPP approved education which needs to be in the following domains:
- Advocacy
- Mentoring/Education
- Recovery/Wellness Support
- Ethics (of the 20 hours needed for renewal, 6 hours must be in IC&RC Peer Recovery (PR) Code of Ethics)
If you have all of the necessary continuing education hours but miss the deadline for submission of your application for recertification, you have a 90-day grace period within which you may submit your application with a $75 late fee. You have a 90-day grace period to get the required materials to us with the late fee; however, education hours may not be acquired during this period. Should the grace period expire, a new initial application must be submitted and the exam will have to be retaken.
After the recertification date expires, the individual will no longer hold a PRSS and no further use of the PRSS is permitted until the individual has recertified.
An Applicant for a two-year recertification should submit the following documents and fees.
1. Completed PRSS-MH Recertification Application
2. Signed Code of Ethics Statement
3. Signed Statement of Personal Recovery
4. Documentation of 20 contact hours of WVCBAPP approved education in the different domains mentioned above which must include six (6) hours in IC&RC Peer recovery (PR) Code of Ethics for the two-year recertification cycle.
5. $100 renewal fee if received by 8/30 of the year of recertification. Enclose an additional $75 late fee is if application is sent after 8/30 of the year of recertifcation.
*All fees are non-refundable. Checks or money orders should be made payable to: WVCBAPP and mailed to 436 12th St. Suite C, Dunbar, WV 25064.
Online payments are accepted at www.wvcbapp.org using PayPal or by submitting with this form.
*Additional information about initial applications or recertification can be located in the credential's manual available online at: www.wvcbapp.org.