Grant Guidelines:
The Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County (WGC) grant program assists a wide range of nonprofit organizations’ programs/projects/activities directly benefitting women, children, and/or families in Harford County.
The purpose of the program is to provide a one-year grant of up to $5,000 each to nonprofit organizations to complete a specific program/project/activity that provides services in Harford County, Maryland. Grant funds may be used for direct costs related to a specific program/project/activity, such as but not limited to, personnel responsible for implementing a project, equipment, materials, supplies, that are necessary for the program/project/activity and administration of the specific program/project/activity (not the organization as a whole).
WGC shall fund defined activities proposed by an organization, and not its general operating expenses (including, but not limited to salaries, rent, etc.). Successful applications are those for which an organization has proposed to DO something specific with the requested funds. If the proposed program/project/activity needs staff to support that specific goal, personnel costs may be considered in the context of the application. However, if the request is to support the salary of a staff person to do the routine work of the organization and/or assists the organization in meeting its payroll and/or other general administrative expenses, those requests would not qualify, and would score poorly.
Nonprofit X currently offers GED classes, but there is a months’ long waiting list. X proposes to staff a new cohort of classes and submits an application asking for funding for training workbooks, snacks for sessions, and to cover the per hour cost of a staff person to teach the new cohort. The staff person is currently paid by the hour for teaching existing classes, but there is no funding in X’s budget to cover the additional hours needed to staff a new cohort. In this example, the proposed salary costs support a specific activity and may generally be considered.
Nonprofit Y lost grant funding from another source and is seeking new sources of revenue. Y applies for a WGC grant for salary in order to backfill the deficit in its administrative budget. No particular activity is proposed beyond the routine work of the nonprofit. Because the salary request does not support a specific activity, the application will not receive a favorable review since the request is for the administrative support of the organization.
When completing the application, the organization shall ensure that its responses to the required questions clearly correlate to the specific program/project/activity it proposes.
The term of the award will begin on the date of the award letter (projected for June 2025). Awarded grant funds must be utilized during the term and fully expended by June 30, 2026.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code providing services in Harford County. Proof of tax-exempt status will be required as part of the application by submitting the organization’s 501(c)(3) determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service and status will be confirmed prior to awarding funds. Additional documentation may be requested if the organization’s tax-exempt status cannot be determined.
- Only complete applications submitted in accordance with the instructions will be reviewed.
- Grant requests are for one year only.
- Grant funds must be used to execute a specific program/project/activity that provides services in Harford County.
- Grant requests must be for a specific program/project/activity that directly supports women, children, and/or families.
- Grant funds may not be used solely for ongoing general operating expenses of the nonprofit organization and may not be used to supplant other funding.
- Grant funds may not be used for sectarian religious purposes, or for faith-based programs not of direct benefit to the broader community.
- An applicant for 2025 that received a grant in 2024 must complete and submit a grant report (either the final or an interim report, depending on the status of the project) of 2024 activities to be eligible to apply in the current grant cycle. The requirements and report template are available online here.
- If an applicant was awarded a grant from the WGC for the three previous consecutive years (2022, 2023, and 2024), the organization must take one year off before applying for another WGC grant.
Additional Information:
- Eligible applicants awarded a grant from WGC may only use the grant funds for the charitable purposes as stated in the application and approved by WGC.
- Grapevine, WGC’s grant fund administrator, will distribute grant funds through the Grapevine Giving Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.
- Grapevine has the authority to withhold and/or recover grant funds if at any time, grant funds are misused or the applicant does not meet the criteria for the award.
- Each grantee must submit a report of activities and expenditures at the conclusion of the project, but no later than the due date for the submission of a subsequent WGC grant application. Grant applications from grantees that are not in compliance with reporting requirements will not be considered for funding.
- Grantees may be asked to submit 2-3 photos with a short narrative to describe the funded project/program. Photos may be used for WGC’s social media posts, press releases, or for other announcements. Should photos and a narrative be requested of a grantee, additional details will be provided as part of that request.
- Organizations may submit questions related to this application by sending an email to:
- An optional pre-application meeting will be held for interested organizations on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. via videoconference. For more information and to register, see the Events page of WGC’s website. Note: a passcode is required to join the videoconference. You can obtain the passcode by registering for the meeting on WGC's website.
- Grants are anticipated to be awarded in June 2025.
Applications must be RECEIVED by 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday, March 14, 2025, and must be submitted online only here in accordance with the instructions herein.
Applications received by email, postal mail, personal delivery, fax, or other methods will not be considered.
Application Requirements:
To be considered, applicants must: (i) complete all required sections of the online application; (ii) upload proof of tax-exempt status (the organization’s 501(c)(3) determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service); (iii) submit a project budget completed using the Excel template available at the bottom of the Grants and Awards page of the WGC website; and (iv) submit the organization's operating budget, all by the deadline noted above.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Ready to apply? Begin the application below.