1. Objectives of the Society
To continue to work tirelessly to enhance the physical, social, and spiritual well being of individuals and families in Calgary and area by providing education and awareness, poverty relief and social supports based on Islamic principles and values.
Honor, dignity, and self-sufficiency for all.
2. Personal Conduct
a) Dress Code
Volunteers are responsible for presenting a positive example to partners, clients and the community. Volunteers shall dress appropriately while volunteering at all MFNS events and always keeping in mind the cultural norms and practices of the community. All volunteers should be attired modestly and refrain from clothing with offensive or objectionable items.
b) Personal and Public Communication
Volunteers shall exercise discretion in any personal communication regarding MFNS AND shall refer ALL media requests to the Volunteer Director and Media Liaison.
Volunteers shall exercise extreme discretion in posting personal comments about MFNS and MFNS projects, project partners, clients or the community on all media and social media platforms. Offensive or unwarranted negative comments may result in disciplinary action.
c) Personal behaviour
All relationships with clients shall be on a professional basis. Volunteers are to avoid inappropriate relationships with other volunteers, staff and clients.
d) Unlawful Behaviour
MFNS will not condone any conduct or pattern of behaviour or any criminal behaviour, which may or may not incur risk of injury, physical harm to self or others or presents a substantial possibility of loss or destruction of property. This will result in termination of the volunteers’ involvement with MFNS.
3. Professional Conduct
a) Collaboration and communication
Volunteers should maintain cordial relationships and collaborate with staff, other volunteers and clients with the highest standards of professional courtesy. Volunteers shall communicate sensitively and in ways appropriate to existing cultural norms.
b) Decorum
Volunteers should exercise care in their language, gestures and attitudes, ensuring that they do not act in such a manner that is harmful to others or embarrassing and disparaging to MFNS. The use of offensive or abusive language or making of inappropriate remarks is strictly prohibited.
Volunteers must uphold respect for privacy. Volunteers should not take photos or make recordings of any kind during the volunteering session. They should not request or exchange personal details or contact information with clients except as required for the purposes of the food and clothing distribution program.
Volunteers must ensure safety to oneself and to others at all times. Volunteers must not smoke, use or be in possession, or be under the influence of alcohol or non-prescriptive drugs at any time while serving the community.
c) Conflict of Interest
Volunteers should avoid any personal, financial, conflict or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their assigned duties. Volunteers are expected to avoid situations which may have conflict of interest with the organization (e.g. other commitments, roles in other organizations).
d) Punctuality and Absenteeism
Volunteers are expected to perform their duties punctually and as assigned. When expecting to be absent from scheduled duty, volunteers shall inform the personnel in charge as far in advance as possible so that alternative arrangements may be made.
e) Confidentiality
Volunteers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged or personal information to which they are exposed while serving as volunteers.
f) Termination
MFNS may review or terminate any volunteer who engages in behaviour which, in the opinion of MFNS, may affect the proper discharge of his/her duties and responsibilities as a volunteer or affect the reputation of MFNS or MFNS' programs.
Volunteer Declaration
As a volunteer, I am committed to:
Personal Responsibility
I. Providing my volunteer services and engage in activities under the direction of MFNS.
II. Conducting myself in a manner that respects myself, others and property in both behaviour and attitude.
III. Being dependable, recognizing the commitment and responsibility to my volunteer assignment(s).
IV. Being a role model to those I work with and serve.
V. Being punctual, and when being absent, inform personnel in charge as far in advance as possible.
VI. Being responsible for reviewing ALL orientation/training materials provided by each volunteer coordinator as required.
VII. Accepting feedback from and be accountable to my personnel in charge, and approaching them for assistance or help when needed while fostering a culture of problem-solving and collaboration in dealing with challenges.
VIII. Interacting positively, communicating openly and welcoming hospitably all guests, participants, clients, staff, visitors and fellow volunteers.
IX. Interact positively, communicate openly and welcome hospitably all guests, participants, clients, staff, visitors and fellow volunteers.
X. Conducting myself in a manner that respects myself, others and property in both behaviour and attitude.
XI. Avoiding situations which may have conflict of interest with the organization and refraining from actions that may be perceived as such.
XII. Addressing ethical concerns by speaking directly with the other volunteers or clients with whom I have the concern and when necessary, report such to my personnel in charge.
XIII. Not granting ANY special privileges to any person(s), and avoid all forms of conflicts of interest that may arise.
XIV. Not receiving any form of monetary or non-monetary compensation
XV. Being responsible for my belongings and understand that MFNS will not be responsible for any lost or damaged items during the volunteering sessions.
Professional Respect
I. Treating all individuals with a sense of dignity, respect, and self-worth. Making a personal commitment to be non-judgmental about cultural, racial and religious differences, living conditions and the life-style of each person with whom I work. Ensuring a harassment free environment.
II. Wearing required identification and clothing. All items of clothing must be suitable for the work environment, modest, and should not contain offensive or objectionable material (slogans or graphics).
III. Respecting that the use of profane and abusive language, gestures, attitudes, disruptive behaviour that is dangerous to self and others, any intimate or inappropriate physical contact are strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to sitting children on laps, carrying or hugging clients.
IV. Respecting that photo-taking and uploading of pictures or videos on social media or other platforms is strictly prohibited and therefore abstain from the use of photo, audio or video recording equipment unless authorized by MFNS.
V. Exercising extreme discretion in posting personal comments about MFNS projects, project partners, clients or the community on new media and social media platforms.
VI. Respect that requesting personal details pertaining to clients and/or their families is not allowed, including the exchange of contact information and social media contacts.
VII. Maintain confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a staff, volunteer, client or other person.
VIII. Not acting as a spokesperson for the organization unless prior permission or authority has been given.
IX. Not smoking, nor using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol and non-prescription drugs while volunteering. Abstaining from all illegal activity.
I. Approaching and informing the personnel in charge should a client exhibit unusual or dangerous behaviour, or when a child client misbehaves. Refrain from disciplining, scolding or punishing the client.
II. Complying with mandated reporting in cases of suspected child and vulnerable adult abuse or neglect.
III. Checking with personnel in charge before giving clients any and all food items or gifts. This includes but is not limited to snacks, treats, goody bags etc.
IV. Not engaging in any activity that may bring harm (e.g. physical or mental) to another person or property. Reporting any suspicious activities to personnel in charge.
V. Following safe workplace practices, including participation in applicable education sessions, using appropriate personal safety and reporting accidents, injuries, and unsafe situations.
VI. Respecting and using all equipment appropriately and as required for my assignment.
Breaches of the Volunteer Code of Conduct
I. I understand that any breach of the Volunteer Code of Conduct may lead to a warning of unacceptable behaviour or immediate termination of services as a volunteer.
I have read and understood the requirements and commitments written in this agreement. I accept and agree to abide by this Volunteer Code of Conduct and any updates fully.
In addition, I forever discharge MFNS from all liability, claims and demands of any kind for any injuries, damages, costs, expenses and/or losses that I may suffer or that may arise as a result of my volunteer association with MFNS.
I make and provide this Release on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and anyone claiming by, through, or on my behalf.
I understand that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the province of Alberta and I express my understanding and intent to enter into this Release willingly and voluntarily.