Are you a beginner in crypto?
Do you have a crypto account?
Have you watched any content with @RickTheWealthCoach or Chin @millionairebarber?
How long have you been in Crypto for?
Less than 3 months
3-12 months
1-3 years
3 years +
If we are putting in serious effort to get you prepared to make a million from Crypto, do you have a minimum of 3 hours per week to give the same effort?
Yes, I have the time to take this seriously
No, I'm too busy
How long have you been following us, and in one sentence, what interest you about working alongside us?
How did you hear about our Private Crypto Community?
Lastly, so you have the $4,997 or $497 monthly to make payment and do your interview, so you can join our Private Crypto Community?
Yes, I can invest $4,997 and save $1,000
I rather pay $497mth and not save $1,000
No, I rather figure it out myself
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Last Name
Mobile Number
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Phone Number
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