Gallery Space & Exhibit Space Policy & Procedure
In keeping with the American Library Association's LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS, Article VI, the exhibit spaces are available to the public "on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use." The Trussville Public Library's Gallery Space and exhibit spaces are available for exhibits by individuals and groups. In an effort to introduce local and regional artists to the public, the Library will endeavor to present a wide variety of art styles and forms.
The exhibit of any given materials does not constitute an endorsement by the Trussville Public Library.
I. Gallery and Exhibit Facilities
A. Facilities
1. The Gallery Space is located along the walls between the Auditorium entrance and the Adult Department.
2. Exhibit cases in the Circulation area are reserved for Library-sponsored exhibits only.
B. Facility Capacity
1. The Gallery Space capacity has been established by the City of Trussville Fire Marshal. Fire code requires that no exhibit exceed the capacity specified for this space.
II. Reservations
A. How are reservations for Gallery Space made?
Reservations for the use of the Gallery may be submitted to the Gallery Coordinator. Anyone who wishes to have a gallery show must comply with all policies, rules, regulations, and conditions regarding use of the Gallery (The "Gallery Space Agreement")
Reservations will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservation is final until the Library receives written confirmation, via email.
B. Who approves the gallery shows?
All exhibit requests will be reviewed and approved by the Library's Gallery Coordinator, working under the direction of the Library Director. Exhibitors must submit photographs of their art work and a current resume or Artist's Statement. If the Gallery Coordinator approves the exhibition, the exhibitor will be contacted to confirm dates for the exhibit as well as other specifics relating to the installation of the exhibit.
C. Who can make exhibit requests?
Exhibit requests must be made by an individual at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
D. When can exhibit requests be made?
All requests for use of the exhibition space must be made through the Library during the Library's hours of operation by emailing the Gallery Coordinator at or calling (205) 655-2022. If the Gallery Coordinator is not available, you may leave a message on their voicemail.
E. How long may an exhibition last?
External exhibitions will be changed on a monthly basis. Additional time may be granted by the Gallery Coordinator if they believe the exhibit warrants additional time.
III. Eligibility for Use of Exhibition Space
A. Is there an age restriction for use of the exhibition space?
Groups or individuals under the age of twenty-one (21) must have an adult or organizational sponsor for their exhibition.
B. Who is eligible to use exhibition space?
Any individual, organization or group, may use the Library's exhibition space, subject to this policy. The Library reserves the right to refuse a reservation to any individual, organization or group who has failed to comply with the rules and regulations for use of exhibition space established by the Trussville Public Library Board of Trustees.
Granting permission to use Library exhibition space does not constitute endorsement by the Library.
IV. Purposes for Which Exhibition Space May Be Used
The Exhibition Space may be used for the following purposes:
- To exhibit the work of local & regional artists;
- To allow local guilds and crafting organizations to exhibit works;
- To showcase the work of service organizations;
- To publicize Library events, materials, and services.
VI. Cancellations
The Library should be notified immediately if an exhibition must be canceled. Notice of cancellation must be provided to the Gallery Coordinator in writing, via email.
VII. General Guidelines
1. The Library requires a complete inventory of each item in an exhibit, including title, medium, dimensions, and description.
2. Transportation and delivery of artwork to and from the Library is the responsibility of the exhibitor. The exhibitor must be present for the installation and dismantling of an exhibit.
3. Unless special arrangements are made with the Library, exhibits are set-up on theof the month and dismantled the 30th of the month.
4. All artwork must be hung from the picture rail of the Gallery Space using wire and hooks provided by the Library. All artwork must be ready for hanging at the time of installation.
5. The Library reserves the right to final approval of the design and appearance of the exhibit.
6. Wall labels, gallery list, signs, or posters will be provided by the Library.
7. The Library will provide no special security personnel. Security arrangements for the Gallery space and exhibit cases are the same as for other areas of the Library. The risk of loss, theft, or vandalism will be held by the exhibitor.
8. If the exhibitor wishes to hold a reception at the Library in connection with the exhibit, the exhibitor must reserve a meeting room through the Library's Meeting Room Coordinator, at regular cost.
9. The Library, in cooperation with the exhibitor, may distribute publicity announcements and articles regarding the exhibit to local and regional media, Library events calendars, the Library website, and other information outlets. Basic biographical and professional data will be required from the exhibitor in preparing such public relations information.
10. The Library is not a sales conduit. Any sales of artwork should be handled by the artist outside of the Library exhibit.
11. The Trussville Public Library Board reserves the right to alter this policy without prior notice.
Board Approved 01/11/2021
This policy may be revised at any time