Ethical Code of Conduct/Ethcis PSI and PSII
It is the policy of the West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction Professionals to promote and safeguard the quality, effectiveness and competence of Prevention Specalist through the insistence of adherence to its Code of Ethics by all WVCBAPP certified Prevention Specialists.
The ethics committee develops and recommends an ethical code of conduct for adoption by the Board of Directors. Currently, the Board has adopted the code of conduct adhered to by IC & RC for the CS, CCJP, PSI, PSII credentials, and NAADAC Code of Ethics for ADC, AADC located at:
The ethics committee has jurisdiction over all matters of violation and misconduct by WVCBAPP certified Prevention Specialists in the state of West Virginia. It immediately and thoroughly investigates such charges and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
I hereby attest that I have read, understand, and will adhere to the IC&RC Code of Ethics and including, a subsequent change to the code of ethics that is duly approved by the IC&RC Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
I hereby attest that I have read, understand, and will adhere to the NAADAC Code of Ethics for the ADC and AADC credentials including, a subsequent change to the code of ethics that is duly approved by the NAADAC Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
It is my responsibility to remain current and comply with the code of ethics for this and other credentials awarded by my credentialing body throughout the life of the credential.
I understand that agreeing and signing below indicates that this application is truthful. Deception on this form is a violation of the Ethical Code of Conduct and may result in sanctions, suspensions or revocations of certification.