Please fill out the form below to register for our K-2 Acting Workshop!
Newtown Stage Company is excited to offer another session of our Beginners acting workshop for Kindergarten through 2nd graders on Thursdays, Feb 27-April 24 (no class on April 17) from 4:15-5:15. Join us for this fun introduction to theater, a playful class designed to teach young actors the basic concepts of theater through improv games and creative play. Class will be taught by two new Newtown Stage Co instructors, Alexa Luft and Jane Shearin. Both of these ladies work as para-educators at Head O' Meadow School in Newtown and have strong theatrical backgrounds. They cannot wait for the opportunity to work with your kids! Once enrolled, you will recieve an email from Newtown Stage Company regarding the $295 fee for the class.
Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Please Select
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Town of Residence
Parent's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email
Additional Email (optional)
Parent Phone Number
Emergency Contact
How did you hear about us?
Is there anything we should know about your child? Are there any allergies, learning, behavioral or other needs we should be aware of?
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