LR Hughes Kiwanis Scholarship
LR Hughes, a retired Colonel, devoted over 60 years to the Kiwanis International organization, serving in various capacities. In his memory, the Golden Kiwanis Club of Orem established this scholarship to honor his hard work and dedication to improving the lives of children and helping them achieve better futures.
Estimated time to complete the application 25-30 minutes. This application requires a reference letter.
This needs-based scholarship is for students who are enrolled or plan to enroll in an Apprenticeship, Trades, or Technology program at Mountainland Technical College. Preference is given to high school students and individuals pursuing a GED. Parents and grandparents with primary custody of minor dependents who are seeking education to improve their ability to provide for the children in their care are also eligible.
March 14, 2025
Recipients of this scholarship will be notified within three weeks of the application deadline. Award funds, up to $1,000, can be applied toward tuition, fees, and program-related materials at Mountainland Technical College. Two scholarships are available.
First Name
Last Name
MTECH Student ID
If you are not a current MTECH student enter "n/a".
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date of Birth
Student Status
Select the MTECH Apprenticeship, Trades or Technology program in which you are enrolled in or intend to enroll in.
Please Select
Automation Technology
Automotive Technology
Civil Construction 1
Custom Design & Fabrication
Data Technology
Dental Assisting
Diesel Technology
Digital Design
Digital Marketing & Analytics
Electrical Apprenticeship
HVAC Apprenticeship
Information Technology
IOS Development
Machining Technology
Medical Billing & Coding
Mobile Development
Networking and Cybersecurity
Plumbing Apprenticeship
Practical Nursing
Radiography Technology
Software Quality Assurance
Web Programming & Development
Welding Technology
Only programs that are eligible for this scholarship are listed here.
Are you a current high school student?
For high school students: What month and year will you graduate from high school?
Type "n/a" if you are an adult student or are not enrolled in high school.
Are you currently pursuing a GED?
Which statement below accurately describes your MTECH student status?
Please Select
I currently attend high school AND MTECH.
I currently attend MTECH as an adult student.
I am a future MTECH student.
For future students: what month/year do you plan to start your MTECH program?
Type "n/a" if you are a current MTECH student.
I am currently meeting the the school minimum standard for progress(70%) and attendance (85%).
I do not currently attend MTECH
Financial Need
This information will be used by the scholarship committee to better understand your level of need.
Have you submitted a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to MTECH?
Have you stayed with friends or family temporarily due to lack of house in the past year?
Are you worried that in the next 2 months that you may not have stable housing?
Do you currently have a stable place to live where you can stay long-term?
Within the past 6 months, I worried whether food would run out before I had money to buy more.
Sometimes true
Often true
Not true
Within the past 6 months, the food I bought just didn't last, and we didn't have money to get more.
Sometimes true
Often true
Not true
What is your household's total annual income before taxes?
If you are in high school, use your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) income.
How many school-aged children live in your household?
18 year old dependent children can be included in this count if they still attend high school.
Do you have primary custody of children/grandchildren? If not, explain.
What amount do you contribute to your current housing costs?
I need help paying for
Please Select
Living Expenses
Do your receive help with schooling costs from any outside sources? This includes family, friends, employers or organizations. If so list the source below, and indicate how much they contribute.
Example: Employer - $500 per semester
Are there any extraordinary circumstances or financial hardships that we should be aware of?
Impact on Children/Youth
These questions are an essential part of the application process and will play a significant role in the scholarship selection process.
Why did you choose this program and how does it align with your long-term career goals?
For high school students: How will receiving this scholarship benefit your future?
Type "n/a" if you are not a high school student.
For parents/grandparents: How will improving your education and career prospects through this scholarship benefit the children under your care?
Type "n/a" if you are currently a high school student.
Reference Letter
Please upload a reference letter from an instructor, school counselor, school administrator, employer or other professional.
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How did you hear about MTECH Scholarships?
Declaration of Truth
By submitting this application, I am certifying that the information, statements, and documentation submitted on or in conjunction with this application are true, correct and complete, to the best of my knowledge.
Should be Empty: