For the 2025 season, the Lexington Makers Market (LMM) is glad to offer an expanded range of options and subscriptions to serve both vendors that are interested in a more consistent appearance schedule and those looking for more flexibility. The Lexington Makers Market Steering Committee (a group of returning participants committing to serving the Makers Market in a leadership role) informs the growth and helps set goals for the market. More information about the work of the Steering Committee and other new developments will be shared throughout the year.
The Lexington Makers Market is for those selling handmade goods only. All LMM merchandise must be original, handmade, and created by the vendor. No resale of others' work and/or resale of boutique or vintage/antique items will be permitted (upcycling or embellishment of items with considerable artistic alteration, ex. a vendor who personally embroiders designs on vintage clothing items, are allowable as original artworks). No commercial or imported items nor items produced from kits will be accepted, including items from multi-level marketing or franchise suppliers. No vendors selling food or edible items (for human or animal consumption) will be admitted to the Makers Market, as these items are regulated by state agencies. Food vendors may instead apply to the Lexington Farmers’ Market. If you have any questions about the Makers Market or the eligibility of your items, please contact staff at
Due to ongoing developments in national & state policy, products sold as "containing CBD" will not be permitted without additional written consent from Lexington Farmers’ Market staff beyond the general jury & application process. This consent must be obtained prior to attendance.
There will be a jury process to determine the selection of vendors permitted to participate in the Lexington Makers Market. The jury will consist of members of the LMM Steering Committee and representatives of the Lexington Farmers’ Market. Jury decisions are final and may not be appealed. The Lexington Makers Market is a program of the Lexington Farmers' Market (LFM). As such, final authority for all Lexington Makers Market decisions rests with the Lexington Farmers' Market Manager and staff as directed by the Lexington Farmers' Market Board of Directors. Participation in the Makers Market does not constitute membership in the Lexington Farmers' Market or the market's agricultural cooperative organization.
The goal of the jury process is not only to identify skill in the work, but also to ensure the diversity of the products that are shared with the community, and to enable vendors of all means to have a vibrant venue in which to showcase their creations. Additionally, we hope to have items at varied price points and to feature the work of a diverse community of vendors. The process aims to achieve a balance between gallery-quality fine art and high-quality handmade goods for the public, from artists representing a range of identities. Changes or additions made to product offerings after the initial application process must gain further approval by submitting to the jury process again or through approval by the LFM Market Manager.
LMM vendors must be at least 18 years of age. However, applicants under 18 will be considered if an accompanying adult will be present at all times while selling at Makers Markets.
Participation Details
There will be a fee for participation in the Lexington Makers Market. Booth spaces will be available to accommodate a 10'x10' tent/canopy. Depending on market space constraints, there may be availability to accommodate two 10'x10' tents/canopies side-by-side, but this is subject to Market Manager approval on an individual basis and must be requested in advance. Onsite parking is not available at the Saturday market location and vendors at this site should expect to move their vehicles elsewhere in a timely manner after unloading their items upon arriving.
For the 2025 season, the Lexington Makers Market will operate in conjunction with Lexington Farmers’ Market’s Saturday location in Tandy Park and with limited options for Sundays on Southland Drive and Wednesdays on Alexandria Drive. Participants in the Lexington Makers Market may attend as few as one market during the year (Single Appearance).
SATURDAY (Summer) Hours will be 8:00AM-1:30PM, with setup beginning no earlier than 7:30AM (without written permission from market staff). Clean up must be concluded no later than 2:00PM.
SUNDAY Hours will be 10:00AM-2:00PM, with setup beginning no earlier than 9:30AM (without written permission from market staff). Clean up must be concluded no later than 2:15PM.
WEEKDAYS WEDNESDAY Hours will be 4PM-7PM, with setup beginning no earlier than 3:30PM (without written permission from market staff). Clean up must be concluded no later than 7:00PM. TUESDAY/THURSDAY will be 9AM-2PM with setup beginning no earlier than 8:30AM. Clean up must be concluded no later than 2:15PM
Late Fall & Winter market hours will be modified as needed and announced later in the season. Please note that the Steering Committee and market staff are exploring additional events at alternative venues (these might incur additional fees for participation).
Only vendors whose applications have been officially approved by staff will be allowed to attend markets, and vendors may only attend those market dates for which they have been officially scheduled in writing by staff.
The market occurs in an open-air setting. Vendors will be required to provide their own tents/canopies (properly secured weights are required for every tent/canopy, every market day), tables, and/or displays. There will be very limited access to electricity and the use of generators is not permitted.
Cancellations must be made in advance (no less than 48 hours) in order receive a refund of Single Appearance fees. Market Staff reserves the right to adjust or maintain fees due to adverse weather events or emergencies.
Square Invoice is the standard form of payment for market fees for accepted Makers. If you have questions about this please let market staff know.