1. The applicant must be enrolled in their second year or later, as an undergraduate student, registered in a minimum 2-year program at an Ontario post-secondary institution, and provide proof of enrollment.
2. Applicant must be under the age of 30 years old, at the time of the application deadline.
3. Applicant must volunteer and be actively involved with their local Agricultural Society.
4. The applicant must be endorsed by their Agricultural Society.
5. The endorsing Agricultural Society must be in good standing with the Ontario Association
of Agricultural Societies (OAAS), meaning the current year’s membership fees are paid by
the application deadline and they have no outstanding payments due to the OAAS.
6. The applicant must be involved and/or volunteers in school and/or community activities.
i.e., 4-H member, school sports/band/clubs, hockey/soccer teams.
7. Part-time students are eligible for this scholarship.
8. A 500-word essay written by the student on their future plans for contributing as a
volunteer within their current or future community.
9. Provide two Letters of Recommendation from two different individuals who knows the
applicant well, excluding family members. This letter should highlight the skills and abilities
that demonstrates the applicant is best qualified for this scholarship. These letters are
required in order to be eligible for the scholarship. One Letter of Recommendation must
come from an Agricultural Society board member or volunteer; the other one can come
from someone in the community/school or past/current employer or another person
involved with the Agricultural Society.
10. It is the intention of the OAAS to award multiple scholarships, annually. The number will be
determined annually based on available funds.
11. An unofficial transcript must be submitted with application, from the most current completed
12. An Agricultural Society can endorse more than one applicant and are encouraged to do so
if there is more than one qualified applicant.
13. Scholarship recipients will be announced and awarded in the Fall and a recent photo must
be submitted at that time.
- Include applicant’s and endorsing Agricultural Society’s names on each page of the application (John Doe, ABC Agricultural Society).
- Number the application pages, including the 2-page application form, 2 Letters of Recommendation, essay, proof of enrollment, and any other attachments as follows: 1 of total number of pages. ex. 1 of 5 pages, in total.
- If submitting electronically, save the file as Lastname_Firstname_Scholarship application.
- Applicant and endorsing Agricultural Society should keep a copy of all pages and attachments for reference.
- Scholarship recipient will receive complimentary registration to the upcoming convention, accommodations are not included.
July 31 Application Deadline
September 30 Letter of notification will be sent to all applicants and their endorsing
Agricultural Society regarding the committee’s decision.
Applications must be submitted to the OAAS Office electronically via online application.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Once a student receives a scholarship, they are no longer eligible to apply for a future scholarship.
- Applications that are not selected are not carried forward – applicants must reapply to be considered for future scholarships.
- The OAAS will not be responsible for lost or incomplete applications.
- Conflicts of Interest should be declared for any OAAS Provincial Board of Directors who sit on their selection committee
Meet specified criteria