Vendor & Reader Application Form
This application form is our booking form and once reviewed and accepted, you are booked into attend your chosen market. Please do not fill this in if you are only after further information. All applications submitted constitute a request to book a stand and acceptance of our terms and conditions, including our cancellation policy. If you are in need of further information then please go to our Vendors Page or our FAQs. After you have submitted an application, you will be contacted within 7 days about whether you have been accepted. Invoices then must be paid within 14 days from when you are accepted.
Main Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Your Website
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Select the Market/s you would like to apply for
Sun 6th April - The George Vaults, Rochester
What type of stand would you like to book?
Vendor/Trader Stand (6ft Table) - £50
Reader Stand (4ft Table) - £50
Do you require electricity? (£10 charge)
Tell us about your business and what you offer
If you are a trader/vendor, please list what products you sell
Social Media
Please provide links to your social media sites below. If you don't have one for these pages then please leave it blank. These are the pages that will be tagged in the promo for the fayre so please make sure they are correct.
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
TikTok Page
Please upload ONE image for us to use for your social media promo
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please upload your logo (if you have one) so that we can add you to the directory on our website
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
How did you hear about us?
I confirm that I understand I am booking a stand and, if accepted, am liable for payment of the stand
Should be Empty: