2025 Marion Tailgate Market Vendor Application
Please review the 2025 Marion Tailgate Market Vendor Policies and Guidelines before submitting this application. All Vendor applicants are expected to acknowledge and agree to the contents of this document.
Please download, save and/or print a copy of these Policies and Guidelines for your records.
Primary Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
This will be the primary form of contact between Market Manager and Vendors
Phone Number
Business Name
Business Mailing Address- Street, City, State, Postal Code
Please check for accuracy and include City, State, Postal Code; Incomplete addresses may cause delay or rejection of vendor application
Social Media
Not required if you don't have one
Social Media
Please write 3-5 sentences to describe your business for use in promotional material.
Type of Business
Prepared Foods (Ready to Eat)
Value Added Ingredients
Season Vendor or Day Vendor Request?
Season Vendor
Day Vendor
Schedule Request: Please note whether you would like to attend all markets, every other market, or list your requested dates.
Physical Location: Please describe the physical location where you produce or source and provide address if different than mailing address.
Which category or categories best describes your Products?
Value Added
Bread/Baked Goods
Live Plants
Community Booth/Information
Products: Please list and describe all products you intend to offer at Marion Tailgate Market. If your products range across categories, please provide the estimated percentage of each category that will be represented at your booth.
NOTE: All products you vend must receive approval from the market manager. If you add products in the future, you must first communicate with the Market Manager.
Do you grow/raise/make all of your own products?
Please Select
Do you grow/raise/make all of your own products?
How do you currently sell your products?
Have you vended at Marion Tailgate Market Previously?
Please Select
Have you vended at Marion Tailgate Market previously?
What type of space do you require?
10' x 12' Tailgate Space (under pavilion with 120V outlet)
Food/Beverage Truck Space
Single Table
Mobile cart or Tent
Do you have food production or food safety experience/certification?
Are you interested in participating a youth training program to help local adolescents develop skills and experience in the community by helping you with your booth?
File Attachment
Please attach the required documents below 1.) any current licenses and certifications pertaining to your business (Acidified Foods, Meat Handler’s, Health Department Inspections, Sanitation Grade Certificate, Food Safety, etc.). All Value Added food items require proof of a compliance with food regulations 2.) Tax ID registration/number or proof of Tax-Exempt status; Or written acknowledgement if you don't have one and 3.) Pictures of your products and vendor booth set up. Please label all of your documents with your business name.
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Agreement to MTM Vendor Policies and Guidelines
By signing below and submitting this application, I promise that I have read the 2025 Marion Tailgate Market Vendor Policies and Guidelines. I agree to acknowledge and abide by all policies and guidelines. I waive all liability for any damage, loss, injury, or costs associated with vending at the Marion Tailgate Market and hold McDowell LFAC and the City of Marion harmless from all claims, damages, or losses while at the market.
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: