Please review the following and confirm your acknowledgment by signing your name at the end.
I, the undersigned, voluntarily request and consent to receive massage therapy and related procedures from the Bettye O Day Spa licensed massage therapist.
I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to discuss the nature, purpose, and expected benefits of my massage session, including the areas of my body that will be addressed.
I understand that while massage therapy is generally safe and beneficial, there are some potential risks, including but not limited to temporary discomfort, muscle soreness, and minor bruising. I recognize that the massage therapist cannot anticipate or explain all possible risks and complications, but I trust their professional judgment to act in my best interest based on the information available at the time of my session.
I acknowledge that my massage therapist is not a medical professional and does not diagnose, prescribe, or provide medical treatment for any condition. I understand that massage therapy is not a substitute for medical care and that I should consult a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.
If at any time I experience discomfort or wish to modify or stop the session, I will communicate this to my therapist, and they will adjust or discontinue treatment accordingly.
I affirm that I have disclosed any relevant health conditions, injuries, allergies, or sensitivities that may affect my treatment. I understand that failure to provide accurate health information may increase the risk of adverse reactions.
By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand this consent form, have had the opportunity to ask questions, and agree to receive massage therapy under the terms outlined above. This consent applies to today's session and any future sessions unless otherwise revoked in writing.