Back Extension Test
1. Lay on your stomach and place your hands inline with your belly button
2. Press your arms as straight as you can
Back Flexion Test
1. Stand up
2. Bend over and try to touch your toes
Back Rotation Test
1. Lay on your left side with your knees and hips bent
2. Place your left arm on the top of the right thigh
3. Rotate your back toward the ground as far as you can reaching your right arms towards the ground
4. Repeat on the other side
Back Side Bend Test
1. Lay on your back with your legs straight
2. Reach towards your right side as far as you can, keep your shoulder down
3. Reach towards your left side as far as you can, keep your shoulder down
Hip Rotation Test
1. Sit on the floor arms behind you supporting your body
2. Hips just outside of hip width, knees bent to 90 deg
3. Rotate your legs to the right
4. Repeat the other direction rotating your legs to the left
Posterior Stability Test
1. Lay on your back and bend your right knee to 90 deg
2. Straighten your left off the ground
3. Lift your hips off the ground using only your right leg
4. Repeat on the left leg
Lateral Stability Test
1. Lay on your right side with your knee straight
2. Go into a lateral plank
3. lift your top leg straight
4. repeat on the left side
Medial Stability Test
1. Lay on left side with your knees straight
2. Bend your right hip to 90 deg
3. Lift your body off the floor into a side plank
4. Only your right leg should be touching the ground
5. Repeat on the other side
Extension Tolerance Test
1. Lay on your stomach
2. Place your hands near your stomach
3. Press your arms as straight as you can
4. Repeat 30 times
Flexion Tolerance Test
1. Lay on your back
2. bring both knees to your chest hugging them tight to your chest
3. relax your arms slightly, now pull your knees back into your chest
4. Do this 30 times
Back Sensitivity Test
1. Place your right hand on the back of your right leg
2. Slide your right arm down the back of the leg
3. Repeat on left side