- MEMF and other EMF members: £20,
- Non members: £25
- Students: Free
1. Make the Payment by one of the following three ways:
Bank transfer: to the MEMF bank account: Midlands Early Music Forum
Please use as reference your surname + DA (eg SMITH DA)
Sort code 56-00-69
Account number 61179698
Overseas payments:
IBAN: GB63NWBK56006961179698
PayPal: please send as a 'friends and family' payment (NOT 'goods or services' to prevent charges being deducted from your donation) to:
paypal.me/MEMFNancy (Click on the right button 'Send')
Cheque: Make it payable to 'MEMF' and send it to the Treasurer: Jill Davies, 23 Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PD with DA13th March on the back.
If you have any problems with payments, please contact Jill at daviesmusic@btinternet.com
Finally don't forget to complete and submit this form before 5th March or you will have no music.