Before You Begin the Application
Ensure that all required documents are completed and available in one of the following formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, TXT, RTF, HTML, ZIP, MP3, WMA, MPG, FLV, AVI, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
WVCBAPP is an exciting and engaged volunteer working board. Board members are required to participate in minimum of 2 board meetings per year of the 4 quarterly meetings one annual face-to-face.
All meetings are face to face and held at the Dunbar, WV location. Board members are expected to be timely and present at every meeting with a maximum of two absences from board meetings.
Between work within and outside of meetings, hours of commitment would vary between 5-10 hours per month. Board members are also encouraged to participate in fundraising and development activities, which include an grant writing and credential development. Board members are expected to commit to the role for a minimum of two years.
After your application has been reviewed you may be asked to interview in order for us to better get to know you.
Thank you for your interest.
I certify, by my signature, that the information contained within this application and all supporting documents (i.e., resume, recommendation letters, etc.) is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.