By signing below, the Nipigon Community Center has agreed to allow the Member/User to use the Fitness Room subject to the following rules and regulations, which the Member/User acknowledges that he or she fully understands and accepts.
Assumption of Risk
I understand that participation in fitness activities, including but not limited to weight training, cardio exercises, group fitness classes, and other physical activities, involves inherent risks of injury. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation and acknowledge that no amount of precaution can fully eliminate these risks.
Physical Health
I confirm that I am/my child is in good physical health and capable of participating in physical activities. I have been cleared by a healthcare provider to engage in fitness activities, or I have consulted a medical professional regarding any health concerns I may have prior to participating.
Medical Emergencies
I, or behalf of my child, give my consent for the Township of Nipigon's personnel to seek emergency medical treatment for me if necessary. I understand that I am responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of my participation in fitness activities.
Supervision of a Minor
The Member/User if 16 or older, accepts full responsibility for the supervision of any 13 or 14-year-old persons that they bring into the Fitness Centre. They also accept responsibility for any damage, loss or injury caused minors or themselves.
Indemnification & Release of Liability
The Member/User further agrees to indemnify an save harmless the, Nipigon Community Center, The Corporation of the Township of Nipigon, any Fitness Centre volunteers, and each of them from any and all manner of actions, claims, demands, damages, loss, lawsuits, and charges whatsoever occasioned to, or suffered by, or imposed upon the Nipigon Recreation Commission, the staff, The Corporation of the Township of Nipigon, and all Fitness Center volunteers, or its property either directly or indirectly, in respect to any matter or thing arising out of the acts, omissions, operations, or activities of the Member/User or any minors (13-14) accompanied by them.
I, (or on behalf of my child) hereby waive, release, and discharge the Township of Nipigon, its owners, operators, staff, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions that may arise out of or relate to personal injury, illness, or property damage sustained by me during or after my participation in any fitness-related activities or use of the facilities.
Use of the Facility
Authorized use of the facility is for the period for which the individual/family is purchasing a membership for. Any request to use the facility after or before the duration of their membership are subject to the regular membership fees and require a separate form to be filled out.
Expiration of Membership
After the membership has expired it must be renewed and paid for to continue use of the facilities. Also, the member(s) MUST PAY PRIOR TO USING the facilities. Privileges may be revoked if the Member/User violates any of the rules or sections of the contract.
Changes to Information
The Member(s)/User(s) must notify the office at the Nipigon Community Center of any changes in their contact information.
Acknowledgment of Understanding
I (or on behalf of my child) have read this waiver and release in its entirety, and I understand the contents. I understand that by signing this document, I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue. I am voluntarily agreeing to these terms and conditions and consent to participating in the fitness activities. If the member is under the age of 18 years, the legal parent is required to sign before the child has use of the facility.