Summer Camp Application
Rider's Name
First Name
Last Name
Rider's Age
Rider's Experience
Please Select
Brand New to Riding
Ridden a couple of times (trail rides or pony rides)
Rider has had a couple of months of lessons
Rider has had a couple of years of lessons
Guardian's Name
First Name
Last Name
I understand by clicking the button below, I am subscribing to receive email messages from Pony Tail Acres regarding appointment reminders or other marketing messages. I may opt out at any time by replying STOP to any message. I am also agreeing to receive reminders or marketing messages via email message.
Phone Number
I understand by clicking the button below, I am subscribing to receive text messages from Pony Tail Acres regarding appointment reminders or other marketing messages. I may opt out at any time by replying STOP to any message. I am also agreeing to receive reminders or marketing messages via text message.
How did you hear about us?
Please Select
Friend or Aquantence
Web Search
What are your riding goals for summer camp?
What week are you wanting to register for?
June 9th to 13th
June 23 to 27th
July 7th to July 11
Should be Empty: