I am the lawful owner (or the owner’s authorized representative) of the animal described on the front of this form. I am delivering this animal to Sweet Life Rescue Center for temporary boarding as follows:
The parties agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
- The Owner, Animal, Program Start Date, and Program End Date shall be as identified at the top of this page.
- The identity of Owner and Animal(s) shall be considered confidential information and treated as such according to Herbie’s Heroes (“HH”) policy
- There will be no charge to the Owner for enrollment of the Animal in the Program.
HH’s will provide care to the Animal including: proper shelter, comfort, and appropriate food and water. HH’s will provide: core vaccinations, microchipping, flea and tick preventative, sterilization and treatment of minor medical conditions as deemed necessary and appropriate by HH’s at its sole discretion. Owner will be responsible for registration of the Animal’s microchip, including any fees.
- In the event that any health concerns are found or arise during the Animal’s enrollment in the Program, HH will make reasonable efforts to contact the Owner at the phone number and email address provided on this page or through a representative at Camp Hope. If the Owner cannot be reached, HH shall have the right to make decisions regarding the Animal’s care and treatment. This includes an emergency situation in which HH is unable to reach the Owner and has determined that most humane option for treatment is euthanasia.
- In the very rare event that HH determines that the Animal presents a safety risk to its personnel, other animals, or itself, HH reserves the right to require that the Owner reclaim the Animal within forty-eight (48) hours of notification. If the Owner does not reclaim the Animal during such timeframe, Owner forfeits all claim of ownership to the Animal and the Animal shall become the property of HH.
- Owner acknowledges that the Animal may be housed either in the HH shelter facility and/or in a foster home under HH’s oversight, as determined by HH.
- HH will provide care for the Animal beginning on the Program Start Date until the Program End Date as indicated above. In the event that the Owner does not reclaim the Animal on or before the Program End Date, the Animal shall become the property of HH. Communications will be made before Animal becomes property of HH.